Brother Earl Farley
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Main Auditorium
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Some Key Speakers
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Outside Pictures Of
Camp Zion Facilities
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Dates For Upcoming
Meetings Of
Camp Zion
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Some Pictures of
Dr. Percy Ray
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Sign Up Sheet For
Camp Zion

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Camp Zion
Rule Sheet

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Preachers Corner
Home Page

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"Preach The Word"

Dates For Bi-Yearly
Upcoming Meetings

(Mark Your Calendar)

Call 662-316-1535 for more information.

There is a place for you at Camp Zion!  Make plans to attend one or both meetings this year.  You can print out a sign up sheet to mail in from the categories listed on the left side of this page.

The Power Conference
March 10-13--2008

Evangelist Dr. Tom Gilliam

Evangelist Dr. Mike Bagwell


Evangelist Larry Winkler

Also Dr. James Lockee

Morning, afternoon and evening services also.
Morning Bible teacher: Dr. Gray Allison




Summer Youth Meeting

July 28-31, 2008

Makes plans to attend for a time
of fellowship and spiritual refreshing!

Call 662-316-1535 for more information.

E-Mail Tom Walker