Brother Earl Farley

Main Auditorium

Some Key Speakers

Outside Pictures Of
Camp Zion Facilities

Dates For Upcoming
Meetings Of
Camp Zion

Some Pictures of
Dr. Percy Ray

Up Sheet For
Camp Zion
Rule Sheet
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Preachers Corner
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Camp Zion
Information and Rules
The accommodations at Camp Zion are different from most assembly
grounds or camps. The sleeping quarters are big, open buildings
filled with double-decker cots. All the men and boys are together in
one big barrack-
style building and all the women in another barrack-style building.
There are no rooms for families, for husband and wife to stay together, or
individual groups. All stay together in one of the buildings.
Men and women are separate. The nearest motel and hotel
accommodations are 8 miles away in New Albany. The rooms available
in motels are limited.
Meals are served family style in a big dining hall with
everybody eating together at the same time. Much of the food is given by
Myrtle Baptist Church and interested friends. Churches and
individuals bring jellies, preserves, pickles, canned vegetables and meats
to help the Camp to provide the meals. This is all placed on
the alter and dedicated before we prepare it and serve it.
The services are conducted under a big tabernacle which seats over
2.500 people. The services consist of preaching, praying, singing,
testimonies, and Bible Study. The services are conducted just as the
Holy Spirit leads and not by a printed program.
Location Of Camp
The Camp is located at Myrtle, Mississippi on Highway 78. Myrtle
is 70 miles south-east of Memphis, Tennessee.
1. Only ages 12 and above can attend.
2. All who come to the camp will be required to attend all the services
unless they have a written excuse from their sponsor. NO EXCEPTIONS.
3. Those youth attending will be expected to check with the registration
before leaving the camp grounds at any time during the official meeting
(Monday night--Thursday night).
4. Each church will be required to send one sponsor with each 12 young
people. The sponsor will be responsible for the conduct of those
attending with them. No young person can come to the camp without a
5. No young people are to leave the camp grounds at any time without a
6. No boys or men with overly long hair will be admitted to the
camp. This rule will be enforced. NO EXCEPTIONS. Penalty for
breaking the rules will be dismissal from the camp.
7. No selling or distribution of tapes, books, or pamphlets that have not
been presented to the tape room or book store.
8. Absolutely NO SMOKING in any building at any time.
9. Penalty for breaking the rules will be dismissal from the camp.
The cost to attend the Camp is $2.00 per person for Insurance and
Registration. The insurance covers any accident or illness suffered
while registered at Camp Zion. It does not cover any pre-existing
medical condition.
