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"Preach The Word"


TEXT: LUKE 1:30; 2:10; MATTHEW 1:20

Introduction: ‘WISHING YOU A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS.' The mystery and the wonder of the Bethlehem story was "Fear not."This was the word of God to the shepherds (Luke 1:30); and finally to Joseph (Matthew 1:20). The "Fear not" of long ago still speaks to men*s hearts today. Let us recall, then


A. An atmosphere which was alien, and strange to their everyday, workaday world. They felt awkward and ill at ease in it. It is the same today.

B. An Authority which was Absolute. Men know perfectly well that if there is a God, then the most important thing in the world for any man to do is to find out what God wants him to do, and then go and do it.

C. An Assurance that was Arresting. "Fear not.. . good tidings of great joy." And how men today need that same as~urance! How eager was the shepherd*s response. "Let us now go and see. . . and they came with haste, and found." Let us recall also—


A. The Relationship that God asked. It was the most wonderful relationship that God could ever have asked of any woman, that she should be the mother of His son; that she should bear in her body the very life of the Saviour of the world.

B. The Response God Got. "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word."


A. The Tongues that were Unkind. How they would smear the name of Mary and Joseph. The stigma of a child conceived out of wedlock would reap upon Him and His mother.

B. The Truth that was Unknown. Joseph and Mary could not have shared the mystery with others. They would not have been believed. The world cannot and does not understand the mystery of the Christian faith.

C. A trust that was Unafraid. "He did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife." "He did as . . . bidden."

Complied By Evangelist Maze Jackson


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