The following books are recommended by this site
founder. This is not an extensive list of available books. These volumes are just some
good books found on my personal library shelves.

Strongs Exhaustive Concordance
The most popular of the concordances.
Youngs Concondance
Bible Encyclopedias
Zondervan Pictoral Bible Encyclopedia
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
Bible Dictionaries
Unger's Bible Dictionary
Nelson's Bible Dictionary
Holman Bible Dictionary
Smith's Bible Dictionary
Peloubet's Bible Dictionary
Bible Commentaries- Old Testament
Keil and Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament
The Bible Knowledge Commentary
Wiersbe's Expository Notes On The Old Testament
Bible Commentaries- New Testament
Barnes Notes on the New Testament
Bible Knowledge Commentary
Comments by the Dallas Seminary Faculty. Excellent!
The Bible Exposition Commentary
Excellent- by Warren Wiersbe
Wiersbe's Expository Notes On The New Testament
Entire Commentaries on the Whole Bible
Matthew Henry Commentary
Adam Clarke Commentary
An Interpretation of the English Bible(B.H. Carroll)
The Pulpit Commentary
Commentary on the Holy Bible (Matthew Poole)
The Annotated Bible (Arno Gabelein)
A Commentary (Jamieson, Fausset, Brown)
Thru The Bible (J.Vernon McGee)
Word Studies
Word Pictures in the New Testament(Robertson)
Weust Word Studies
Vines Word Studies
Vincent Word Studies
Gesenius' Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon To The O.T.
(Keyed to Strongs Concordance)
Expositors Greek Testament(Nicoll)
Parsing Guide To The New Testament(Han)
The Englishman's Greek Concordance
Synonyms of The New Testament (Trench)
The Septuagint (Greek and English)
Linguistic Key To The Greek N.T. (Rienecker, Rogers)
The Analytical Greek N.T.(Zondervan)
Englishmans's Greek Concordance (Zondervan)
Englishmans's Hebrew And Chaldee Concordance (Zondervan)
A Greek English Lexicon to the N.T (Ardnt & Gingrich)
Theology Books
Systematic Theology (Chafer)
Theology for Today (Towns)
All the Doctrines of the Bible (Lockyer)
The Great Doctrines of the Bible (Evans)
Lectures in Systematic Theology (Theissen)
Systematic Theology (Hodge)
Dogmatic Theology (Shedd)
Illustration Books
Encylopedia of 7700 Illustrations (Tan)
Illustrations For Biblical Preaching (Green)
My Favorite Illustrations (Hodge)
10,000 Biblical Illustrations (Little)
50 Years of Soul Stirring Illustrations (Rice)
1010 Sermon Illustrations From the Bible (Wallis)
2400 Notes, Quotes and Anecdotes (Naismith)
Note: Many good illustrations books I have are out of print.
Cross Reference Scripture Comparison
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (Barbour)
Topical Studies
The Topical Textbook
Naves Topical Bible
Bible Survey Books
Explore the Book (J. Sidlow Baxter)
The Annotated Bible (Gaebelein)
Synopsis of the Books of the Bible (Darby)
Wilmington's Bible Handbook (Wilmington)
The New Unger's Bible Handbook (Unger)
Bible Atlas
Baker's Bible Atlas
Cult Studies
The Kingdom of the Cults (Martin)
Jewish History Studies
The Works of Josephus
The Temple (Edersheim)
Sermons of Great Men
The Westminister Pulpit (G.Campbell Morgan)
The Tozer Pulpit (A.W. Tozer)
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit (Charles Haddon Spurgeon)
Bible Computer Programs
PC Study Bible
The On-Line Bible
Sage Digital Library
Quick Verse
Site created by Tom Walker