Brother Edgar
In Jeremy's heart the other day
When blackfoot his dog ran away
He felt the loss that we now know
As in this church our hearts bend low.
But our God who rules above
Had for Jeremy a greater love
For in his mercy He took him home
Where pets don't stray and little feet don't roam.
He's satisfied now from fear or loss
He's found refuge because of a cross
He lives now above all earth's noise
With Jesus who showed .his love for all little boys.
But there shall come that blessed day
From the stillness of death and beds of clay
Little feet that shall run again
Not after straying pets but with loved ones and friends.
So like David in,a far away land
Let's make our vows to meet again
In fields of flowers we'll run and play,
and live together thru eternal day.
Composed by Dr. Edgar and read by Dr Kenneth
Hansard at the Funeral of little Jeremy who was killed
chasing his dog.
Site created by
Tom Walker