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"Preach The Word"

A Broad Outline of Galatians

From Dr.Tom Walker


Judiaizing teachers had gone among the Galatians, claiming that the Jewish law was binding upon Christians. They admitted that Jesus was the Messiah but claimed that salvation had to be obtained by the works of the law. All Gentiles were expected to be circumcised.

Those teachers were trying to weaken the people’s confidence in Paul, their spiritual leader. Some said he was not one of the twelve, thus,his teaching had no apostolic authority.

This epistle seeks to root out the errors of the doctrines of the Judaizers and to hold the Galatians to their earlier faith. That was necessary to establish his apostolic authority and the divine origin of the Gospel. He sought to show them the value of Christian freedom and to show at the same time it was not a license to sin.

Paul handles in this book clearly and concisely the relationship of Christians to the Jewish law.

Chapter One


I. Paul’s Greeting (1:1-5)

A. He realized his responsibility (1:1a)

B. He revered the Lord (1:1b)

C. He recognized the brethren (1:2)

D. He repeated the usual (1:3)

     The usual greeting of the Apostle was first grace and         then peace. God’s order is never out of order.

E. He remembered the cross (1:4)

1. It meant death "gave himself"

2. It meant deliverance "deliver us"

3. It meant determination "according to the will of      God"

F.He rejoiced in God’s glory (1:5) cp. Phil.4:20

1. Eternal glory "forevermore" lit. "to the end of the ages"

2. Evoking Glory "Amen"

II. Paul’s Surprise (1:6-10)

A. They were being removed (1:6)

B. They were being troubled (1:7)

C. They were being warned (1:8,9)

D. They were being pressured (1:10)

III Paul’s Gospel (v.11-24

A. The reception of it (1:11-12)

1. Excluded man’s impartation (1:11)

2. Included God’s revelation (1:12)

B. The rescue of it (1:13-14)

1. From religion (1:13) This is man reaching up to       God through his own efforts and works.

2. From persecution (1:13) They sought to             destroy and waste the church.

3. From tradition (1:14) Exalted tradition above       truth.

C. The reach of it (1:15) "mother’s womb" Cp. Jer. 1:5

D. The revelation of it (1:16) "To reveal his Son in me."

     For this to happen we must have our own Arabia (1:17)

E. The result of it (1:24) "God glorified in me"

              His life moved others to glorify God.


Chapter 2


I. Marks of God’s Servant (2:1-10)

A. He seeks to communicate the Gospel (2:2).

B. He senses the spying of false brethren (2:3).

1. The method of the spies- underhanded,             infiltrate

2. The purpose of the spies- to bring into              bondage

C. He stands against the propagators of legalism (2:4-5).

D. He sees the character of His God (2:6-8).

E. He shares the blessing of spiritual leaders (2:9).

F. He shows God’s love toward the poor (2:10).

II. When It Comes Time To Stand (2:11-21)

A. Rebuke (toward Peter)

1. He was liable for rebuke (2:11)-It was justified.

2. He was living for in fear of others- (2:12) The circumcision.

3. He was leading to failure of others (2:13).

B. Reproof (used reason to do that)

1. Complusion(Peter’s) not necessary (2:14)

2. Christ not the minister of sin (2:17-18)

3. Christ’s death not useless (2:21)

C. Exhort

1. Man is not justified by works but faith (2:16).

2. Man does not life his own life but Christ lives through Him (2:20).

a. Past accomplishment "I am"

b. Present activity "I live, yet not I but Christ"

c. Perpetual victory- "Live by faith of the Son of God"

(1)Love declared "loved me"

(2)Love demonstrated "gave-himself"(Rom.5:8)


Chapter 3

I.   Faith and Law Contrasted

II.  He Appeals To Their Conversion (3:1-3).

III. He Appeals To Their Sufferings (3:4).

III  He Appeals To Their Miracles (3:5).

IV. He Appeals To The Example Of Abraham (3:6-29).

A. Abraham was justified by faith (3:6).

B. All believers share in Abraham’s blessings (3:7-9).

C. The law can only condemn (3:10).

D. The keeping of the law is not necessarily the result of faith (3:11-12).

E. Christ bore the curse and brought redemption (3:13-16).

F. The law could not destroy the promise (3:17-18).

G. The purposes of giving the law (3:19-24)

1. Reveals sin (3:19-22)

2. Brings us to Christ (3:23-24)

H. The law is no longer binding on the believer (3:25-29).

1. Sons (3:26)

2. Baptized (3:27)

3. Accepted (3:28)

4. Offspring (3:29)


Chapter 4

The Son and The Servant Contrasted

I.  The Physical Illustration (4:1-2).

II. The Spiritual Application (4:3-31)

A. The accomplishment of adoption (4:3-5)

B. The results of adoption (4:6-7)

1. Have the Holy Spirit (4:6)

2. Become a son (4:7a)

3. Become an heir (4:7b)

C. Rebuke for retreat (4:8-27)

1. Retreated to inferior things (4:8-11)

2. Retreated from loving respect (4:12-16)

3. Retreated to wrong company (4:7-18)

4. Retreated in spite of deep concern (4:19-20)

5. Retreated due to dull hearing (4:21-27)

D. The conclusion (4:28-31)


Chapter 5

The Spirit And The Flesh Contrasted

I. Liberty Of The Christian (5:1-6)

II.    Leaven Of Sin (5:7-12)

III.   Love Toward Others (5:13-15)

A. Serve one another (5:13).

B. Love one another (5:14).

C. Cherish one another (5:15).

IV.  Lust Of The Flesh (5:16-18)

A. Command to right living (5:16)

B. Conflict to realize (5:17)

C. Control to rely upon (5:18)

V.   Life Of The Flesh (5:19-21)

A. The flesh is contrasted (5:17-18)

B. The flesh has characteristics (5:19-21)

           1. Adultery (5:19)

           2. Fornication (5:19)

           3. Uncleanness (5:19)_

           4. Lasciviousness (5:19)

           5. Idolatry (5:20)

           6. Witchcraft (5:20)

           7. Hatred (5:20)

           8. Variance (5:20)

           9. Emulations ( 5:20

10.Wrath (5:20)

11. Strife (5:20)

12. Sedition(5:20)

13. Heresies (5:20)

14. Envyings (5:21)

15. Murders (5:21)

16. Drunkenness (5:21)

17. Revellings (5:21)


C. The flesh brings condemnation (5:21).

VI Fruit Of The Spirit (5:22-23)

A. Its singularity (5:22) fruit- one great cluster

B. Its production (5:22)

C. Its manifestations (5:22-23)


a. Love (5:22)

b. Joy (5:22)

c. Peace (5:22)

2. Outward


b. Gentleness (5:22)

c. Goodness (5:22)


a. Faith (5:22)

b. Meekness(5:23)

c. Temperance(5:24)



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