Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Look Who Is Here

Text:  Jn. 21:1-14

Introduction: The words of the title usually express or signify a surprise.  This is usually followed with the words, "I never expected to see you" or "I can't believe it is you."

I. When We Have Sinned, Look Who Is In Our Garden

A. The Failure (they failed in their obedience--they did the don't)

B. The Footsteps (I heard the voice of the Lord walking in the garden)

C. The Forgiveness (God took coats of skins and clothed them)

II. When We Have Sorrow, Look Who Is At Our Grave

A. Jesus at the grave of Lazarus

B. Jesus at the casket of the widow's son in Nain

III. When We Have Sadness: Look Who Is On Our Road (Luke 24)

IV. When We Are Surrounded, Look Who Is On Our Mountain
(Elisha and his servant in Dothan)

V.  When We Are Suffering, Look Who Is In Our Furnace
(Hebrew children--fourth man in fire)

VI. When We Are At Sunday Worship, Look Who Is At Church
(Jn. 20:19)

VII. When We Are Stranded, Look Who Is On Our Island
(Rev. 1--John on the isle of Patmos)

VIII. When We Are Filled With Selfishness, Look Who Is Standing            On Our Shore (Jn. 21)
         Peter said, "I go a fishing."   He says in essence, " I am going to do            what I want to do. I am going to get my own way."

         A. Jesus has a place to get warm (v.9).
         B. Jesus has provisions to feed (v.9).
         C. Jesus has granted us a priviledge to encourage us (v.12)
              "Come and dine."

IX.   When We Need Salvation, Look Who Is Sitting On Our Well
(Jn.4- Woman at the well).

Sermon Outline From Pastor James Bumgarner


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