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"Preach The Word"

Don't Live In The Mist When You Can Have The Rain

Text: Gen. 2:5-6---I Kings 18:41-46)


Mist is: " vapor, haze, film, fog, or blur."
See Jn. 20:19

The difference betweet "mist" and "midst" is the letter "D".
The Divine One
The Deliverer
The Desire Of All Nations
The Daystar
The Dew
The Door

Without Jesus in the "midst", all we have is a "mist."   We need rain, but so many times we become satisfied living in the "mist."   This is a dull, dry, dusty, dead world and the only remedy is Spiritual Rain.

How do we get Spiritual Rain?

I. Pray Until You Feel The Drops (v.42)
A. Church: Prayed until they heard the knock.
B. Hannah: Prayed until she felt the kicking.
C. Paul and Silas: Prayed until the felt the shaking.
D. Daniel: Prayed until he felt the touch.
E. Jonah:  Prayed until his prayer came in.

II. Never Accept Anything As Final (v.43)

III. Keep Going Until You See (v.43)
(Go again seven times).
IV. Be Satisfied with Little Things
"There ariseth a little cloud out of the sea like a man's hand" (v.44).

V.  Don't Be Surprised If It Is A Big Rain (v.45)

Sermon Outline From Pastor James Bumgarner


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