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This is a small segment from the booklet
authored by Dr. Tom Walker on:




In the first place, many think it is acceptable for a woman to hold the office of a deacon. The women's liberation movement has exerted much influence in this matter. It has led to an unfortunate deviation and detour from the Bible. I Timothy 3.12 states that the deacon is to be the "husband of one wife." How can a woman be the husband of one wife? A woman can serve her church in many ways, but the Scriptures clearly exclude her from serving in the office of deacon or a pastor.

There are Bible interpreters who mention Phebe in Romans 161, as a "a servant of the church" Since the word "servant" comes from the same root word as our King James version word "deacon," some Bible teachers attempt to lay a foundation for approving the ordination of women to the New Testament office of deacon. The word "deacon" basically means "servant, attendant, one who runs errands, a waiter." When Phebe is referred to as a "servant," the Bible does not suggest that she served in the office of a deacon. The reference to the woman "servant" suggests to us that she was willing to serve in any capacity that God s men or the church asked her to serve.

Never forget that all who served as deacons in the early church were the husbands of one wife, so Phebe could not have served in the official capacity of deacon, when you consider the Biblical requirement, "husband of one wife."

William Barclay suggests in his book on 1 Timothy that the "women servants" in the early church normally taught the new female converts and assisted in the baptismal services. The women did not teach the men, rather, the older women taught the younger women (Titus 2:4).

Secondly. there are those who think that a deacon is a "church boss." If a church is organized with that kind of structure, then the church is not truly a New Testament church. Keep in mind that the word "deacon" means "servant" After extensive research in the many library books that God has allowed me to possess, I could not find any hint that deacons are to be the "overseers" or " rulers" of the church.

There are times when a church may not have a pastor. Normally, when that happens, the church asks the deacons to step in and provide some direction for the church, until the congregation calls a pastor to be overseer over the flock. This will be magnified further as we examine the word "deacon in more detail.

Each individual local church defines the extent of the deacon ‘s responsibility In seeking to establish it, every church should use the example of the early church as a role model, in determining the role and place of deacon or pastor. A failure to do so could result in assigning unscriptural roles or functions.

The godly, spiritual deacon will know that he is a "servant" and not a "boss." Even the pastor is not a "boss," but the Bible does say in Hebrews 13:7,17,24, he is the one who is to have the "rule over you." Thayer's Lexicon says that "rule" means to, " lead, command or have authority over.

A third common misconception is that the Bible teaches deacons are to take care of ALL the money matters of the church. Many derive that idea from Acts 6:3, which records the first strife in the early church. The Grecians were murmuring against the Hebrews because they felt their widows were being neglected. The leaders of the church said it was not reasonable for them to leave the Word of God and serve tables The spiritual leaders wanted to give themselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word of God In light of that fact, they told the church to search out from among them seven men of honest report. who were full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, to appoint over the task. The Bible does not say those seven men were appointed over ALL of the business. Instead, the Bible tells us they were given charge of "this business," that being the care of those widows. It was not all of the church business in general but a particular phase of church business as revealed in the context of the Bible passage What was that business?

It consisted of collecting money and food for the widows and making distribution of that which was gathered. The Bible does not say that the deacons were in charge of all of the business of the church, but over that particular business--the care of and relief of those distressed and needy widows. So many were being saved, the church had grown to such an extent, that the men of God needed more time to take care of the spiritual ministry rather than the social ones. To solve that problem for the pastors, they asked the church to give them men to help do the work of God. They were called upon to be the pastor's "helpers" not the pastor's "bosses" if a man is not willing to be a help to the pastor, then it would be improper and unscriptural to call upon him to serve in the capacity of a deacon.

The church can assign money managing responsibilities to the deacons, but the Bible does not teach that they must control the distribution of all the church money.

If we will rightly divide the Word of Truth, it will keep us from errors and misconceptions concerning scriptural job descriptions.

The fourth misunderstanding consists in thinking that just anyone can be a deacon. Paul knew that in order for the deacon to serve effectively in his office, and have a right relationship with the pastor, he must be the right kind of man Asking a man who would not fit the qualifications laid down in the Bible to serve in that capacity would be detrimental rather than beneficial Those qualifications are set forth in 1 Timothy 3: 8- 12.  If the deacon candidate is not the husband of one wife, then he is not qualified The phrase "husband of one wife" does not mean one at a time; it means what it says and says what it means--JUST ONE. There is one exception. If a deacon or a pastor's wife dies, then according to I Cor. 7:39, that person can marry "in the Lord." The remarriage must involve a woman who has never been married, or whose marriage partner has preceded her in death.


The Webster's Concise Dictionary defines the office of deacon as a subordinate church office" Subordinate does not mean unimportant but it does have the idea of "being placed in or occupying a lower class, rank or status."

Through the years, the deacons who have served in light of what the scripture has to say about their position, have been a blessing and help to my life and the churches I have pastored. The pastor is not superior to the deacons, but God has given them a subordinate office to that of a pastor. Happy is that church who has a complete group of deacons, who seek to serve in light of what the Bible says about their responsibilities.

It is extremely important to consider what the word "deacon" itself means. The Greek New Testament word is diakonois" which means "servants." The noun "deacon" is used five times in the New Testament. It can be found in Phillipians 1 1 and 1 Tim. 3:8,10,12,13. It speaks of doing servile work or being as an attendant, rendering a free service. William E. Vine states in his "Expository Dictionary" that it probably comes from the verb "dioko", which means to "hasten after or pursue. The late S.S. Lattimore says the deacon is to serve three tables, "the table of the poor, the table of the Lord s Supper. and the table of the pastor"


It will be to our benefit to see what the deacons did in the early church That should be a pattern for churches to follow even today Their office was clearly a "serving" office or a "helping" office. The Scripture does not teach that it must be a lifetime office, unless the church chooses to use a man for his entire life.  If the church permanently allows a man to keep serving, there is no Scripture that forbids the church from doing so, as long as the man continues to meet the Biblical qualifications laid down in 1 Timothy 3:8-12. That matter is left up to the church s discretion and judgment Some great men of the past did not favor the term "ordination" of deacons because they felt the term "appoint" was a better word When we use the word "ordain" it sounds like a lifetime calling. It pays to remember that the local church can ask a person to serve, but if it chooses, it can deny a person the privilege of having the position of deacon at any time.

The early church deacons didn't work against the man of God or seek to make things difficult for him in his work. They were there to help take a load off the preacher, so he might be free to minister the Word of God The preachers did not have time to wait on tables and to oversee all of the widow s needs. Instead of fighting against the pastor, they sought to fight with him against the attempts of the devil to defeat the church. My prayer is that God will give us more deacons who are willing to serve God with the New Testament mentality and in the New Testament fashion.

There may be times that the deacons need to be involved in settling disputes that arise in the local church. There will be those from time to time who will rise up against the ministry of a man of God and undermine his work Wise deacons will band together and seek to support the man of God as he seeks to minister the Word of the Lord to the congregation. There have been times when deacons in some churches felt the need to approach those who repeatedly sought to cause trouble in the church, letting them know that the church as a whole would not allow it to continue. Wise deacons, who have spiritual discernment and are willing to take a stand when necessary, are a tremendous blessing to a local church.

Deacons should function as they did in the Book of Acts. According to Acts 6:1, there was a dispute that arose in the early church. The Hellenistic Jewish widows were murmuring against the Palestinian Hebrew widows, because the Greeks felt the Hebrews were getting more attention and care. There was a charge of unfairness issued. The Hellenistic Jewish widows felt they were neglected in the "daily ministration."

Deacons today still have to be involved often in settling disputes in the local church That is one of the reasons why they were originally appointed The deacons are not appointed to stir up trouble but to keep down trouble.

When the Bible speaks of the "daily ministration," it refers to the practice of the early church. They sold their possessions and brought the price of them and laid them at the apostle s feet The followers of Christ had brought the money obtained from the sale of many of their possessions into the local church. It was intended that each one in need could take his part or portion of what was available that there might be ample supplies for living. The foreign or Hellenistic (Grecian) Jews began to be jealous, thinking their widows were suffering neglect in getting their share. It was thought that the Palestinian Jews were being partial to those who were from their own country. As a result, seven men were sought for in the church, who could distribute the provisions impartially Every church has the right to choose the number of deacons they feel may be needed to take care of the matters assigned to them.

The men of God were busy preaching the Word, seeking to disciple new converts, so they did not have time to occupy themselves with a social kind of ministry.

This has been a  small portion of the booklet written by
Dr. Tom Walker on the _"The Role of A Deacon In The Local Church."


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