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Much has been said about the Old Testament Scriptures
and standards. However, standards are also
taught in New Testament. Thus far, the thrusts of this
book have been to demonstrate the Old Testament
authority for standards, and to prove that standards
are not a "yoke of bondage," but rather, right for New
Testament Christians.
Since some believe that the case against pants on
women is only found in Deuteronomy, it would be wise
to present many of the New Testament verses regarding
In like manner also, that women adorn
themselves in modest apparel, with
shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided
hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
"But (which becometh women professing
godliness) with good works."
(I Timothy 2:9,10)
The main subject of the chapter is prayer. The
command to pray, the object of our prayers, and what
to pray, are the subjects of the first seven verses. Then
men are admonished to pray "everywhere, lifting up
holy hands, without wrath or doubting" (vs 8). The
next two verses, quoted often on women's clothing,
speak of how the women should pray. "In like manner
also" means that women should pray "everywhere, lifting
up holy hands, without wrath and doubting"
adorned in "modest apparel, with shamefacedness and
sobriety" and good works.
Since the women are to pray everywhere, they must
be dressed modestly everywhere. Webster defines
modest as "chaste; decent; now, esp., not displaying
one's body." Modest attire is expected from a woman
professing godliness. "Shamefacedness" is really
"shamefastness" — standing fast in modesty, not selfassertive
or bold, nor flaunting personal charms in a
way that careless, godless women of the world do.
God made man to be physically attracted to woman.
Since man is still covered with the flesh, that physical
attraction can lead a man into sin. Remember the
works of the flesh include "adultery, fornication,
uncleanness, (and) lasciviousness... (Gal. 5:19)." The
sight of the female body attracts the lust of men (and
that is true whether the man is saved or lost.) Proof of
that statement is evident from the multi-billion dollara-
year pornography business in this country.
Bible evidence abounds concerning man's attraction.
David saw Bathsheba bathing, lusted after her, then
committed a great sin. Job cried, "I made a covenant
with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid
(31:1)?" Jeremiah lamented, 'Mine eye affecteth my
heart because of all the daughters of my city (Lam.
3:51). " God did not just state that adultery was sin, he
forbade nudity among those who were not husband
and wife in Leviticus 18. Jesus said that adultery was
committed in the heart of man when a man looks after
a woman and lusts after her (Matt. 5:27-28).
I submit to you, that if a woman dresses in such a
way as to entice the lusts of men, she is just as guilty
for the man's act of adultery in his heart as the man is.
Of course, this very verse rules out mixed swimming,
unless the only particpants are the husband and wife
alone. No woman's bathing suit, one or two-piece, is
modest. They all accent the figure of the woman, and
show portions of a woman's body that only her husband
should be allowed to see.
Pants call attention to the woman's figure, especially
the hips. Most of the time, the outline of a woman's
undergarments are seen by all who notice her. Surely,
that cannot be considered modest.
Women fail to understand the nature of man's mind.
She sees a pair of jeans advertised on TV and thinks,
"What great jeans." She fails to realize that the men
who see the same advertisement are not thinking
about the jeans, but what is in the jeans. Men who
deny such attraction are either not being honest with
themselves, not being honest with their mates, or have
a real problem.
Many Christian women today wear clothes which attract
the lust. It should be pointed out that both saved
and lost men lust after such immodest women. Both
sober and drunk men lust after immodest women. Good men and despicable men lust when seeing immodest
women. These are not popular words, but they
are true. The sooner we get honest with ourselves and
begin dressing and acting like Christians, the better
will be our lives, our homes, and our churches.
"Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning
of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or
of putting on of apparel;
"But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that
which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a
meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God
of great price.
"For after this manner in the old time the holy
women also, who trusted in God adorned
themselves, being in subjection to their own
(I Peter 3:3-5)
Sadly, Christian women are more concerned with being
in style today than being right with God. According
to the verses above, the woman's dress should
simply be an expression of a meek and quiet spirit, intended
more to please the sight of God than the sight
of men.
These verses are not forbidding the wearing of
jewelry or fixing the hair. If that were so, then the
verse is also teaching that a woman cannot wear
clothes, "or the putting on of apparel." No, the point is
that a woman's dress is not to call attention to her outwardly,
but it should call attention to her meek and
quiet spirit.
Clothes speak. Many studies have revealed that how
a person dresses, sends a message about that person to
all who see her. Columnist John T. Malloy revealed in
an article printed by Summit Press Syndicate:
"Research into the effect of clothing on a woman's career
has singled out pants as one of those items that give off all
the wrong signals. The research says the wearer does not expect
to be taken seriously, unless (surprisingly) it is in a
sexual manner. (emphasis added)
"And the truly professional woman doesn't want her
clothes to send a sexual message."
Malloy's researchers asked 500 executives from a
cross-section of American corporations, "Would a
woman in a pantsuit fit into your office?" 402 said,
"No." Next they administered the "twin test." This included
two pictures of the same woman in two versions
of the same blazer suit. In one she wore a skirt, in the
other slacks. The respondents were then asked to guess
which "twin" was smarter, better educated, earned
more, and had a better job. Malloy reported the findings:
"From 80 to 94 percent of the time, the positive attributes
were assigned to the picture of the woman in the skirt.
"Male executives assigned the positive attributes to the
skirted woman 94 percent of the time while female
executives made the positive association with the skirted
look 88 percent of the time.
"This was one of the rare occasions when the reaction of
the general public mirrored that of the executives. The
skirted woman got the nod from the general public 84 percent
of the time.
"I considered the results sufficient to conclude that a
woman wearing a skirt will command more respect than the
same woman in pants." (emphasis added)
Any honest person would have to admit that one's
impression of others is affected by their appearance.
As a Bible example that clothes speak, consider where
the Scripture speaks of the "attire of an harlot." One
wearing certain clothes would be considered an harlot,
just as a person wearing a Marine parade uniform
would lead others to think he was a Marine.
We recognize that wearing a Marine uniform does
not make one a Marine, so neither does wearing the attire
of an harlot make one an harlot. However, if you
don't want people to think you are in the Marines,
don't wear the uniform. The point is, your clothing
does say something about you to other people, whether
it speaks the truth or not.
Should we be concerned about the impressions
others get of us? We just read where a lady's clothing
should reveal the hidden man of the heart, a meek and
quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God, of great price.
But the Scriptures also say that we should abstain
from all appearance of evil (I Thes. 5:22). Our
testimony should be guarded at all times — even in our
Paul made it plain in Titus 2:3-5 that the older
women were to be the right kind of examples to the
younger women. Paul included many areas, of which
being discreet and chaste are two. As has been stated,
clothing speaks. Clothing should give the appearance
of being discreet and chaste. The older women have
the obligation to the younger women to dress in such a
manner. Why? To teach the younger women so that
the "word of God be not blasphemed."
I Corinthians 11:1-14 instructed that even the hair
was to be different for the sexes. Verse 14 clearly
states that the covering is the hair. The woman's head
was to be covered, the man's uncovered. A common
knowledge of human anatomy tells us that hair grows
the same places on a man's head as it does on a
woman's. The only place left uncovered by the natural
growth of hair is the ears. The man's head is to be uncovered,
the woman's covered.
Why the difference? Because man and woman have
different positions in God's government in the home
and church, just as they were created differently
(verses 2-9). A woman's long hair demonstrated her
submission to her "head" — her husband. If a woman's
appearance is important during the most personal of
spiritual practices, how much more is her appearance
important in the sight of men.
Although this passage deals specifically with hair
and not clothes, a basic principle is seen. There is to be
a difference in the appearance of men and women.
"But," someone objects, "God looks on the inward
appearance and man looks on the outward
appearance." That is exactly what we have been saying.
God does look on the inward appearance, and He
tells us that the outward appearance ought to show
what is on the inside. And since man does look on the
outward appearance, we had better be sure the outward
appearance is an accrate presentation of that
which man cannot see on the inside

Site created by Tom Walker