Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

Dr. Tom Walker
(Gospel Publications)
"Writing to help
preachers and missionaries
effectively fulfill the work God has called them to do."
Call 828-738-0992 or
at TW@PreachersCorner.org
for more information.

Here are some "Preacher's Books" that will
help you in your pulpit ministry preparation labors.
"The authority for these works is the Word of God."
Postage is included in price
of these books.



Dr. Tom WalkerItem No# BKTW4 |
Dr. Tom WalkerItem No# BKTW3 |
Dr. Tom Walker Item No#
Click on dot below
for more information.
Click on dot below
for more information.
Click on dot below
for more information.


Mini-Sermons for
Pulpit And
(Formerly 54 Mini-sermon) |
Mini-Sermons to
Enlighten The
(Formerly 45 Mini-sermons) |
Mini-Sermons From
Proverbs and
Other Places |
Dr. Tom Walker Item No# BKTW6 Click on the
below for more
Dr. Tom WalkerItem No# BKTW5
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below for more
Dr. Tom WalkerItem No# BKTW8
Click on the dot
below for more


Mini-Sermons To
Stimulate Your
Dr. Tom Walker
Item No# BKTW9
Click on the
below for more

Mini-Sermons To
Brighten Up
Your Life
Dr. Tom Walker
Item No# BKTW7
Click on the
below for more

Walking In
The Pastor's
Dr. Tom Walker
Item No# BKTW2
Click on the
below for more

Mini-Sermons To
Enhance Your
Dr. Tom Walker
Item No# BKTW11
Click on the
below for more

For The Busy
Dr. Tom Walker
Item No# BKTW12
Click on the
below for more

To Help You
Dr. Tom Walker
Item No# BKTW13
Click on the
below for more


True to the Word
Dr. Tom Walker
Item No#TWBK17
Click on the
below for more


That Will Preach
Dr. Tom Walker
Item Number# TWBK19
Click on the
below for more


That Will Save You Time
Dr. Tom Walker
Item Number# TWBK20
Click on the
below for more

New Books !
TWBK#21 Studies from I Peter
TWBK#22 Mini Sermons For This Generation
22 Studies in the Book of 1st Peter --100 pages --$7.00
Mini Sermons for This Generation-- $6.00
Minimal postage and handling
will be added. If you have questions you
can dial 828-738-0992.
Since Jesus is Coming
In John 14:3 Jesus said, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” We believe that Jesus is coming again to take us unto Himself . Since He promised it, His word is His guarantee and our assurance. In light of His coming I want to stress five different thoughts to you.
I. Look Continually. “Unto him that look for Him, shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation” (Heb.9:28). The word “look” in this verse has the idea of a continuing action or occurrence. We are not to just occasionally look for the Lord, it is to be a constant practice of our lives. Looking for Jesus to return is a good practice or habit to bring into your life. Just keep looking because you will not be disappointed when He does return to take His own from this world.
II. Live Carefully. In Psalm 39:1 the Psalmist said, “I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not...” The words “take heed” mean “to be on guard or to watch.” We are to be careful about the words we speak, the people with whom we associate, the places where we go, and the materials we see, read, and listen to as we live our everyday lives. We do not want to be found doing the wrong things when Jesus comes, lest we be ashamed at His coming.
III. Read Continually. I especially have in mind reading the Bible itself. Nothing can do for you what the Word of God is able to do. Jesus gave the reason for it. He said, “Thy Word is truth” (Jn.17:17). When you read the Bible you will get the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It is not a part of the Bible that is truth, but all of it. The Bible itself claims inspiration for all of its truths . 2Timothy 3:16 says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” The more we know about His Word, the more we learn about His second coming.
IV. Witness Compassionately. Acts 1:8 says, “But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me...” Another verse says, “And some having compassion making a difference” (Jude 1:22). If you manifest tenderness toward the sinner, you will get a lot further in bringing him to Christ than you will with harshness. Compassion comes to our lives by being near to the heart of God. It sure does make a difference.
V. Surrender Completely. Read Rom.12:1-2. If you present your whole self to God, that will ensure that you will be right in regard to His second coming. When we are fully surrendered, our hearts are set on serving Him and seeing Christ in His eternal glory one day.

Volume 1- TWBK10
Volume 2- TWBK 14
Volume 3- TWBK 15
Volume 4- TWBK 16
Volume 5- TWBK 18
These books are a compliation of newspaper article submitted to the Old Fort News Bulletin, Old Fort, North Carolina. They are written from the standpoint of taking natural everyday things and applying spiritual truths to them from the Word of God.
A person can get sermon ideas from these articles or they are good reading for the curious and thoughful mind.
There is a great value in teaching spiritual things by illustration and reference to what we can see, touch and feel. Jesus did so when He taught in parables. A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.
Try one of the four of these volumes available along with the mini-sermon studies, and you may want to start collecting all of these for your library.
$6.00 Each
Minimal postage and handling
will be added. If you have questions you
can dial 828-738-0992.


Tom Walker was born in Marion, North
Carolina to Ben and Betty Walker. His post high-school studies
are as follows: Tennessee Temple University (Bachelors),
Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary (Masters), and Emmanuel
Baptist University (Doctor of Divinity).
The author spend four years in
the United States Navy immediately after High School and serve
most of his military time aboard the USS Nereus (AS- 17), in San
Diego, California.
He married Linda Tipton of
Marion on Feb. 20, 1968. They have four children, David, John,
Melody, and Kristi. He is a grandfather thirteen times now.
He was saved at an early age
and called to preach the Gospel at age nineteen. He was
ordained for the Gospel Ministry in 1975. He has been saved
for over 63 years.
His pastorates include Huldah
Baptist Church in Seagrove, NC, where he served for
approximately 4 1/2 years; Oxford Memorial Baptist Church , where he
ministered for 14 years; and Zion Hill Independent Missionary Baptist Church in Marion , NC
where he has been since Easter Sunday, April 3, 1994.
He is President and
Founder of this web ministry, has taught in 3 Bible Colleges for a total 18 years of teaching mininstry, and is now President and Founder of Foothills Baptist Bible College in Marion, NC. The school is an in-class institution and also has a correspondence division. For more information go to www.FoothillsBBC.org .

Site created by Tom Walker