Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

Exodus 15:1. Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this
song unto the Lord, and spoke, saying, I will sing unto the Lord,
for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath
he thrown into the sea.
The way of physical growth is through exercise and use of the
body. The way to spiritual growth is through exercise of the soul.
1. No sooner has Israel left Egypt but her faith is already
being tested. God's power becomes manifest in abundant
measure once again.
2. The Christian must never imagine that now that he
has left the world and sin's allurement, he will have an easy road
God has not promised skies always blue,
Flower-strewn pathways, all our lives through;
God hath not promised sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow, peace without pain,
But God hath promised strength for the day,
Rest for the labor, light for the way.
Grace for the trials, Help from above,
Unfailing sympathy, Undying love.
—Annie Johnson Flint
3. Let us consider in this exodus experience how God
often tries our faith but never leaves us.
4. Theme: The Power of Faith.
I. The Obstacles to Faith
II. The Advances of Faith
III. The Source of Faith
I. THE OBSTACLES TO FAITH. ". . . the horse and the
rider . .
A. The great problem of Israel.
1. Pharaoh had counted the cost and, sensing the loss,
pursued the children of Israel so that he might recapture them
and return them to Egypt.
2. They were surrounded by wilderness so there was
no place to flee for refuge and relief.
3. The Red Sea blocked the way; they could not cross.
4. Their faith did not match the situation. "Here we
shall die in the wilderness."
B. The obstacle to our faith.
1. A continuing unwillingness to part with worldly
temptations, though removed in a measure from them. We are
not wholly surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
2. The dry, barren climate of this present age many
times does not foster faith or encourage it. Psalm 63:1. This is
true also of the church.
3. The seas of doubt and seemingly insurmountable
obstacles face us. The impossible is possible with God.
Dr. Maxwell in the book, Crowded to Christ, tells the
story of a law suit in the amount of $9,000. His response was:
"Thank God, if they were suing us for $2,000, we would try to
figure out how to pay it, but since it's for $9,000, there is
no hope. We will have to trust God."
4. Our lack of complete confidence in God. Our vanity
and anxiety "to do something." It is of faith not works, lest any
man should boast.
II. THE ADVANCES OF FAITH.". . . speak unto the children
of Israel, that they go forward . .
A. Which way Israel?
1. The children of Israel saw naught but death in the
wilderness as their future. But God says, Advance!
2. The way of faith is ever forward. Through the seal
By God's grace they will triumph gloriously.
B. The way of faith is to advance.
1. We must not be afraid to face the foe but press on in
spite of darkness and uncharted ways.
2. The Christian must advance. If he does not, there
are always the evil forces that will take over and destroy our
spiritual advance. Note the illustration of Matthew 12:43-45.
3. We must seek the deeper things of the Spirit. Give
Him full control. This is the secret of faith—absolute surrender.
4. Advance helps us to grow. Every victory makes way
for a greater triumph. 5
Christ our mighty captain, leads against the foe,
He will never falter when He bids us go;
Tho' His righteous purpose we may never know,
Yet we'll follow all the way.
III. THE AUTHOR OF FAITH. "For he hath triumphed
A. Israel recognizes the true source of victory.
1. Moses, at God's command, lifts the rod and the waters
divide. Again he lifts the rod and the Egyptians are drowned.
2. The victory song of Israel is directed to God. At
least, they had learned a preliminary lesson in obedience.
3. All the victories to Canaan—are God's!
B. God is always the author of faith.
1. We are saved by grace and that too is God's gift.
Ephesians 2:8.
2. We must recognize that faith is not a substitute for
works. Some believe that God accepts faith—as best we can—in
lien of perfect obedience. Faith accepts the finished work of
Christ. His perfection is ours!
3. The content of faith is the finished work of Christ.
4. We need to pray for faith more earnestly.
May God teach us in all of life's circumstances to exercise
true faith.
"0 for a faith that will not shrink,
Tho' pressed by every foe,
That will not tremble on the brink
Of any earthly woe!
That will not murmur nor complain
Beneath the chastening rod,
But, in the hour of grief or pain,
Will lean upon its God."
—William Bathurst

Site created by Tom Walker