Text: Matt 16:26 Introduction: 1- Definition- A Christian is one who comes as a lost sinner; he accepts Christ as Savior; confesses Him as Lord; and strives to please Him. 2- Danger- "lose his own soul" 3- Destruction- Being separated from Holy God and redeemed saints forever (eternal death).
I. It Costs the Sacrifice of Peace. A. Peace is the possession of a Christ (Rom. 5:1). B. Peace is a stranger to the unbeliever (Isa. 57:21). II. It Costs the Sacrifice of Security. A. Keeping (Isa. 26:3) B. Controlling (Rom. 8:28) III. It Costs the Sacrifice of Joy (1 Pet. 1:8). A. Unspeakable joy "joy unspeakable" B. Undeniable joy "full of glory" IV. It Costs the Sacrifice of Hope (Titus 1:12). A. Essence of it- "eternal life" B. Extent of it- secure future (it is more important than the present). V. It Costs the Sacrifice of Gods Favor (Jn. 3:16). VI. It Costs the Sacrifice of Christs Acknowledgment VII. It Costs the Sacrifice of Eternal Life (Jn. 3:36). VIII. It Costs the Sacrifice of Eternal Destruction (2 Thess 2:8-9). SERMON FROM DR.TOM WALKER |