Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are


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"Preach The Word"

All Things Are Yours

Text:1 Cor 3:18-23


Think about all that is yours. Our Father is rich, he has riches untold. We are rich beyond the ability of the calculation of man. We may not have a great deal of money in the bank, but still we are rich, because of what we have in the Lord Jesus Christ.
We can think of all that we have, but there is so much that the unsaved person does not have. Lost men and women do not have a thing they can really call their own.

Jeremiah said, after seeing the waywardness and the idolatry of Israel from the Lord, he recognized that his eyes affected his heart. When we see people, men, women, boys and girls, going down the broad road that leads to destruction, it should drive us to our knees to seek God, until revival fires burned in our midst.

Hemastered by the material things of this world, and he is in bondage to all that he sees. The bright lights of the world fascinate the lost man. Man is so decieved that he thinks he is in control, but it is the allurement of this world system of things, that controls his life. It has taken over his thinking, his life and even his soul.

he Bible tells us to separate ourselves from the world. The world in the Bible refers to a system that is headed up and directed by Satan himself. The reason they took prayer out of schools and the Bible is not read in schools, is because of the rule of Satan ruling in the hearts of lost men, controlling to some degree our educational system.

Why does the world fight an effort to get prayer back in the public schools? It is because a lost world is afraid of praying people. They ought to be alarmed about dope peddling and dope using young folks in the schools that they are about young people who want to pray. They are more afraid of boys and girls reading the Word of God in public schools, that they are about some boy and girls slipping off to some corner of the school building and committing adultery.

THE REASON IS THAT OUR EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM HAS SATAN BEHIND IT SEEKING TO CONTROL IT. The systems of this world has so enslaved and blinded the minds of many people to the point they will not and cannot believe in Christ.
All things are ours, thank God for that, but what about the lost world that is outside the church? When you were unsaved, each day your life was vain and empty, because you did not have Christ and spiritual wisdom and spiritual possessions.

The man with out Christ is without God, and is DEAD. Dead in what? Dead in trespasses and sins. He is already under the condemnation of God.

THE HOLY GHOST CONVINCES THE WORLD OF SIN. The Price and the Power of this world is already judged.
A man might feel great physically, he may be climbing the ladder of worldly success, but if he is lost he is dead, doomed, depraved, and already under the same judgment that Christ put Satan under. Their souls are doomed.
When folks are caught up in the pleasures and fascinations of this day, they seemed to forget they will once day face death. It is when the lost person lies facing what we call death, they become frightened and scared. At that point the devil strikes terror in the hearts of those who are not saved. THE STING OF DEATH HAS BEEN REMOVED TO THE BELIEVER. To the lost man, the stinger has not been removed. When he dies, it will be like stepping into a group of posionous snakes that strike a person repeatedly. When the lost man dies, he cannot look around his bedside at those standing there and say to them, "I will see you in a better country." No the sting of death’s sting will bite until the heart and the mind is filled with terror in regard to eternity.

Anyone who is lost needs to know this life is not yours, death is not yours, life is not yours, things present are not yours, or things to come are not yours.
There is not one thin dime the lost man can lay claim to in this world. You do not own your car, your home, the money in the bank. When death comes up into the lost man’s front yard, and comes into his living room or bed room, to who then will his car, home, and money belong to?
The Bible speaks of men’s hearts failing them for fear because of the things that are coming upon the earth. We are still faced with the possibility of nuclear war and mass destruction. The world is in turmoil this evening. Mens hearts will fail because of fear due to the things that are coming upon this earth.
Drugs, drunkeness, and immorality are becoming more and more prevalent in our society. The world is become like a "pressure cooker" due to sin and is dreadful effects. The only man will be able to survive in the right way, is to put his faith in God. The reason lost men run to the liquor store and the bar rooms, the reason why they hunt up a dope peddler, the reason why they shoot up the cocaine and smoke pot, is because they cannot "cope" with life. It is more than they can handle in themselves.
When you begin to envy what a lost person possesses, his fancy cars, his fine home, his vast holdings of land, you better keep in mind if he has not Jesus as Savior and Lord, HE HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Let the millionaire have the million dollars, and his homes at the beach and the mountains, all his stock and real estate holdings. Do not be envious of the wicked!
Prov 23:17, says, "Let not thine heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the LORD all the day long."
"Envy" mens to want what he has. Really, he wants what we have but is going about getting it in the wrong way.
If you are saved, then you are the one that owns it all through the Lord Jesus Christ. ALL THINGS ARE YOURS. Let me say that again--ALL THINGS ARE YOURS. I do not think you heard what I said--I said, ‘ALL THINGS ARE YOURS. Better yet, it is not me saying it, but God saying it, "ALL THINGS ARE YOURS."
What is ours as the redeemed, blood bought children of God?

"Whether Paul, or Apollos or Cephas"
The church at Corinth was so childish and immature, they stayed divided over human personalitites. Some said, "I am following Paul", others, " I am following Apollos", while others said, "I am following Cephas. They were all good, godly men, worthy of following. In fact Paul said one time urged the people to follow him.
1 Cor 11:1 "Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ."
1 Cor 4:16"Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me."
When he would leave the local churches where he went to help the people, he did not expect them to leave the local church where God had put them to follow him. Their first loyalty was not to the traveling Apostle Paul, but to the church where the Lord had placed them. It was not their business to leave the church where they belonged and follow Paul. He meant for them to ‘FOLLOW HIS EXAMPLE’ ---that being his godly, spirit filled life. I loved the people that I pastored for 14 years but I am no longer their pastor. Some followed me up the road and rang my phone for a good while, but it dawned upon them that I was no longer their pastor. I wanted them not to follow me at that point, but to follow the doctrines and principles that I had taught them.
There was even a "Jesus"group in the church. They said, "We are following Jesus." Human leaders were seen as useless to them, because they were supposedly just ‘listening to Jesus.’ It is a rough job to try to pastor a bunch of "spiritual elites" who say that we do not need man, we do not need a pastor, Jesus will tell us Himself everything we need to know.
We are not to follow human spiritual leaders to the point that the Jim Jones crowd did many years ago. They drank cyanide because he told them to do so. As a result there was a mass suicide and a tragic loss of life. He told them to do something that is against the Word of God--that being to take their own lives. God tells us that we are not to kill. That not only means someone else, but it also means ourselves. He told them to do something that was against God’s perfect plan.
Preachers serve God first and foremost, but God calls them to serve his people, that of course being the church. We are called upon to reprove, rebuke, and exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. God calls his minister to help His people, to encourage them to make it through this land of tears and sorrows.
They were trying to figure out what minister they belonged to, when in reality the ministers belonged to them. They served the church. Instead of quarreling over them, they were to use them and enjoy their ministry.
As your pastor, I am yours. Every visiting preacher that comes through this pulpit to you--they are yours to help you and to instruct you in the things of God. Every godly minister of the gospel you hear on the radio, they are yours. Church, I am yours. You are the Lord’s more than you are mine, and I am here to help you.
Earthly spiritual leaders are given for the profit and blessing of the people of God.

It is generally thought that "the world" belongs to the devil and His children. That is not so. They say, "Satan is in control." He merely has a short lease. The Bible says, "The meek shall inherit the earth."
Abraham went through the land of the heathern and God says, "Everywhere you put your feet, it is yours." That means we can walk in any place of business, upstanding or sordid, put our foot down with authority and say, "This is mine."
Can you imagine what it would be like, if your walked into the"Yesterdays" night club in Hickory, stomped your foot down on the ground and said, "Stop this foolishness now, because this is mine." You would probably wind up in jail if you did not leave the premises, but the truth of the matter is, "It is mine." My Father owns it all, and since I am joint heirs with Jesus, that makes everything mine.
Sometimes we get to thinking that this world with its laws and events are against us, but they are not because God is mine and that makes all around me my personal property.
The world was made and is kept for the people of God. Unbelievers have no right to the things they want to cling to materially, because they are yours, as the saints and family of God.
This world "world" here means the vast expanse of things that are around us. It has reference to the material world.
One of the most beautiful places in the scenery you can view from the top of Grandfather Mountain. Drive up there some time and look out at the other mountain peaks around and look at the valleys scooped out between the mountains, at the beautiful trees, bushes and flowers and say within yourself, "This is mine."
If you ever go to Colorado and look out over the Grand Canyone, you can rightfully say, "This is mine." You might not have a deep in some courthouse than says it is yours, but you do have the most important writing there ever has and will be, and that is the Word of God. The Bible says "It is mine."
Lost people in this world are short, very short lease holders but we are what could be called, "freeholders." Never forget, it is the "Meek" that will inherit the earth. Don’t let the devil trick you into forgetting that encouraging, heart-warming fact!

Jesus said in Jn. 10:10 that He came that we, "Might have life and have it more abundantly." There is nothing "normal" about the life that we have it Jesus. It is an "overflowing" and "full" life.
Paul said to the Corinthians:
1 Cor 3:3
"For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?"
They lived like the ordinary men around them. Our life is not a normal life but an extraordinary life, supernatural life. It is ample, more than the ordinary, full to the brim. You can possess a unique and an extraordinary life. It is a life different than anything the world knows anything about.

While they worry and fret, we can sing with joy in our hearts.While the world groping in the dark, you can be in God’s sunshine. While lost men wonder what they are going to do in life, God can show you exactly what He wants you to do in life.

So many people get disgusted with life they take their own lives.Pressure gets heavy on many people, they take their own lives.
If you look to Jesus, you can have life and have it more abundantly. That is God’s remedy for those who cannot face life.
KNOW WHO IS REALLY LIVING? Some dear old saint, that many not have much materially, or may even be illiterate, there is a peace in that child of God’s heart that passes all human understanding.
Life is ours as the child of God. God puts all the pieces of life together in a wonderful and beautiful way for the people of God. If life is ours, then we do not have to bow to carnal and fleshly living. We can live as God’s chosen, peculiar people.

What does he mean by that?
Some folks see death as a terrible monster lurking in the shadows, a dreadful creature, ready to swallow them up at any time and carry them across a black river called death.
For the Christian, the one that knows God, it will be the most blessed hour that we will ever experience, when you leave this present life into the place called heaven, even if it is by the way of death.
For the lost man, death will be a time of terror and torture. For the Christian it will be a sweet time of peace and tranquility like we have never known. I have talked and hear those speak who have been there and know.
My pastor faced that time. Said years ago, got right down to the river of death. Peace and calm like have never known.
The Christian may have pain in death, but he or she will have peace. For the sick Christian to die, means that all the sudden he or she becomes well. Death is not a dead end, but a passageway from here to there.
Death is just a changing of address. Now mine is Rt.2 Box 340 Marion, NC but one day I will have a new one on Gloryland Boulevard in the glistening city of God.
Why be afraid of death Christian? It is yours.

Romans 8:28, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are the called according to His purpose."
God moves in mysterious ways, but it is always for the good and the furtherance of His people, the church.

Rapture--Resurrection- Judgment Seat- Marriage Supper
Kingdom--New Jerusalem (new house over there.)--Inheritance of the saints is ours. INCORRUPTIBLE, UNDEFILED, FADETH NOT AWAY, RESERVED IN HEAVEN FOR US.
The next thing on God’s time calender is the rapture of the church. There will be a resurrection and a getting out of the graves by the saints of God.
We are going up. Shout on way up, "Oh death, where is thy sting!"

"All things are yours." Are we poor or rich? Poor as beggar but rich as a king.
All God has is secured through a relationship with Jesus Christ.We are in Christ and Christ is in God’s. All the Father has is the Son’s and all He has is ours, because we are joint heirs with Christ. The unsaved has ‘NOTHING’ but the saved has ‘ALL THINGS."
Sermon by Tom Walker- Pastor Zion Hill Baptist Church- Marion, NC--USA


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