Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"


There are six people mentioned by name in the book of Philip- pians:

1. Paul: (ch.1:1)

2. Timotheus: (ch.2:19)

3. Epaphroditus: (ch.2:25)

4. Euodias: (ch.4:2)

5. Syntyche: (ch.4:2)

6. Clement: (ch.4:3)

The mentioning of these names reveal how personal the book of Philippians really is. Let us examine Paul as portrayed in the book of Philippians: Note Paul's:

I. EXAMPLE(ch.3:17; 4:9) An example in:

A. Suffering: (ch.1:12-13) Paul dealt with his suffering by seeing the:

1. The Providence of the Saviour: God was working the circumstances of Paul's life. He was in control of what was going on. Note the words "...which happened..." These are not in the original. Events do not just happen to the child of God, they are divinely sent or allowed.

Note the word "rather." Paul's circumstances were seen as something to defeat and discourage his life, but they were turned around to further spread the gospel!

2. The Possibilities of Service: vs.13 He was manifesting the gospel to those whom he probably would have never bore testimony too had he not been in bonds!

3. The Propeling of the Saints: vs.14 His reaction to suffering stimulated, stirred, incited, aroused, provoked the other saints to preach the gospel.

B. Service: In the midst of Paul's bonds, he was victor-

iously serving the Saviour.

1. Humble: Paul did not magnify himself but magnified:

a. God: 22 times God is used and 21 times in reference to God!

b. Grace: (ch.1:2,7; 4:23) Grace Aiding, Grace Accessible, Grace Abounding.

c. Gospel: 9 times the word "gospel" used.

2. Heart-centered: (ch.3:18)

3. Helpful: (ch.3:1)

4. Hopeful: (ch.1:21; 2:16-17; 3:14)

C. Steadfastness: (ch.1:6,25; 4:11-12) The quality of being solid, constant, stable, persistent, tenacious, unyielding.

1. Faith: note word "confidence" (ch.1:6,25)

2. Faithfulness: (ch.1:4,20) "...always..."



A. Fruitful Life: (ch.1:11)

B. Faithful Life: (ch.1:27; 4:1) "...stand fast..."

C. Further Life: (ch.3:10-14)

D. False Life: (ch.3:1-3; 17-19)

E. Future Life: (ch.1:21,23) "depart"

Sermon From Steve Dagenhart- Pastor Calvary Baptist Church - Taylorsville, NC --USA



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