The Mission Of The Master "He came unto his own and His own received Him not" (Jn. 1:11) Jesus was the greatest missionary of all time. In fact, He left heaven and His exalted position there to come down to earth on the greatest mission trip of all time. His mission was to redeem the earth and save mankind from the fatal results of Adam s fall. I m glad Jesus came, glory to His name. He stayed long enough to finish the work of redemption. 1. HECAME It Is a fact of history that Jesus Christ came into the world. However, His coming into the world was not the beginning of Jesus. He was the word that was in the beginning (see v. 1). He came from eternity. He always was. He is eternal God. He came from glory, the glory that was before the world ever was (see John 17:5). He temporarily laid aside His glory and took a body, through the virgin Mary, to live in long enough to die for the sins of the world. 2. HE REVEALED Jesus came to reveal the person of God to the people of this earth. All that has ever been, or ever will be, revealed of the person of God Is In the person of Jesus Christ. He came to reveal the plan of God - - the plan for the earth, for the salvation of the world, and for the people who live on earth. Jesus came to reveal God s power over nature, over demons, over disease, and even over death. 3. HE TOOK In order for Jesus to accomplish His mission on earth, He had to take some things. He took upon Himself the form of a man, a body of flesh. When He did this, He also took on time. Before He became flesh, He was not limited by time. But, in order to feel our weaknesses, He became flesh and then became sin for us "that we might be made the righteousness of God In Him" (2 Cor. 5:21). There was a time for Him to be born, a time for Him to begin His mInistry, and a time for Him to die. He became subject to time. But, the greatest thing that Jesus took was our sins. He became our substitute and died as a sinner for us. He finished the work given Him to do. SERMON BY BILLY BRYANT |