"Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as His mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost (Matthew 1:18) This is the time of year that we celebrate the birthday of Jesus. Sometimes, we get so caught up in the festivities of the event that we lose sight of the real meaning of what Christmas is all about. There are the Christmas trees with all thier decorations, the giving of gifts, the parties, and the family get-togethers. But, through it all, there shines forth the star of hope to a world stumbling along in darkness. Jesus is still the beautiful star of Bethlehem.
Jesus was born of a woman, just like you and I were. But, His birth was different in that it was not His beginning. He always had been, was, and will always be the eternal One. The Bible tells us that Jesus birth was the word of God becoming flesh (see John 1:14). This Is God becoming flesh to dwell among the human race in order that He might reveal Himself to mankind and become our sin sacrifice so we could be saved.
Jesus had no earthly father. Joseph was only his legal guardian, not his real father. His mother was the virgin, Mary. According to the Scriptures, this woman had never known a man. The power of the most high God came upon her, and she conceived a child of the Holy Ghost (see Luke 1:34, 35). Mary never knew a man until after Jesus was born. It is necessary that we understand and believe in the virgin birth.
According to Matthew 1:21, the purpose of Jesus birth was that He become the Savior. Many were the accomplishments of Jesus while He was here on the earth. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, comforted the broken hearted, and even raised the dead. These are great things, but the greatest of all things that Jesus was born for was to be the Savior of lost mankind. Let s celebrate the birth of Jesus in the right manner. FROM BILLY BRYANT |