Celebrating Christmas "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men (Luke 2:14) Christmas is a busy time of year. The traffic is heavy on the streets. The stores are full of people looking and buying gifts. Trees are being put up and decorated with flashy decorations. The streets of cities are flashing with pretty lights. Little boys and girls are looking for Santa Claus, and it seems everyone is trying to spread cheer and promote good will. It is the Christmas celebration. It is the birthday of the Savior of the world.
Almost 2,000 years have passed since that first Christmas, and much has been added by each generation of people. We know that a lot of activities associated with Christmas are not right, but we must say that every special thing done in the name of Christmas is saying to the world that Christ Jesus was born. For this, we praise the Lord. Above all of our Christmas festivities, there should be the celebration of worshiping the Lord Jesus Christ.
December 25th has been set aside as the day to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. To calculate the exact time of His birth would be impossible now. So, whether it is correct or not, December 25th is the day set aside and known to all the world as the day we acknowledge the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
There will be Christmas parties in all kinds of places, and many will end in shame and even disaster. Christmas should be a home time when family Is drawn together in the spirit of love. Christmas time should be a church time, when we come together in a special worship time. But, above all, we should celebrate the birthday of our Savior in our own individual hearts. We should give Him first place in our hearts. We should truly worship Him as God the Son. And, we should give ourselves to Him in service to spread His message of love and salvation. FROM BILLY BRYANT |