Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Sermons From Evangelist
Dr. Stinnet Ballew

Some Things I See In the
Cross to Glory In
Gal. 6:14

The central person in the Bible is Christ. The central place in the bible is

A. The Crucifixion was Vital....Mat 27:53-54
1. To the Saviour - fulfilled his purpose
2. To Scriptures - fulfilled prophecies
3. To Saints - fulfilled promise
4. To Sinners - fulfilled plan
5. To Satan - fulfilled proclamation
B. The Crucifixion was Voluntarily....John 10:17-18
C. The Crucifixion was Victorious....
-For the Saviour - mission accomplished
-For O.T. Scripture - message accurate
-For O.T. Saints - Messiah arrived
-For the Sinner - Mercy available
-For Satan - he became mutilated adversary

II. R--REGENERATION....I Cor 1:18, Consists of:
A. Redemption from Satan's Grasp....Col 1:13
B. Remission of Sin's Guilt....Rom 3:24-25
C. Reconciled to Sovereign God....Col 1:20

A. To be Saved from the Fire....
B. To be a Servant in his Fields....
C. To be a Sharer in his Future....

IV. S--SUBSTITUTE....He took my place....
A. In My Sufferings....I Pet 3:18; Heb 9:26
B. In My Shame....Matt 27:28-30
C. In My Sins....II Cor 5:21; Isa 53:6

V. S--SECURITY....Jn 10:29
I'm Secure Because of:
A. My Advocate in Glory....I Jn 2:1-2
B. My Assurance of Grace....Rom 5:20
C. My Accomplishment at Golgotha....Gal 2:20



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