"Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving Let your requests be made known unto God"(Phil. 4:6) One of the ways the Lord describes the people of the last days Is as unthankful, unholy, and without natural affection (see 2 Tim. 3:1-5). This is the result of a heart out of tune with heaven and out of fellowship with the Lord. Unthankfulness Is a great sin and will bring a fatal sickness to the soul, but thankfulness is the attitude of a soul in touch with God. Thankfulness:
The thankful person always directs his thanks in the right direction. This brings his heart to the source of the things he Is thankful for, and this always brings a person to the Lord, because all good gifts come down from above (see James 1:17). It is our Heavenly Father who feeds us, clothes us, gives us health, and watches out for our every need. As we learn to look up and thank God in every thing, we spend much time In His presence. As we behold Him in His holiness, we become more like Him, and this produces holiness in us. Give thanks unto the Lord.
The unthankful person Is never content. Rather, he is like a ship without anchor - - loose on a troubled sea, and tossed and driven by storms of greed and selfishness. He never seems to have enough, and this restlessness produces high blood pressure, ulcers, heart trouble, and many more health problems, which thankfulness could prevent and possibly cure. Giving thanks unto the Lord is healthy.
The thankful person is a happy person. It is impossible to be thankful and to be unhappy. Thankfulness never registers a complaint. While there may still be desires and needs, they are simply brought to the Father as requests in prayer, and the thankful person accepts the will of God and waits patiently for God to do what is right. The thankful person fully trusts the Lord and casts all his cares upon Him. "Happy is that people ... whose God is the Lord* (Psa. 144:15).
A Mini-Sermon From Billy Bryant |