Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Give Thanks To God

"We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

praying always for you"

(Colossians 1:3)

Paul, in our key verse, was giving thanks for the church members at Colosse. It is a most wonderful thing to be a part of a good church where born again people live together in love and care for one another. If you are blessed with such a church, be thankful for it and strive for the unity and love of the membership. These people were converts of Paul*s ministry. He was grateful to God for them and expressed his thankfulness in three ways.


Faith is the channel through which our salvation comes. "By grace through faith" (Eph. 2:8). The faith of these Colossians was in the right place - - in Christ Jesus. Our faith and hope must stand in Him alone. It cannot come through works of righteousness that we have done, or in any other person, but by trusting totally in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and in His death, burial, resurrection, and second return.


Where there is true faith, there is also love. The love of God Is shed abroad in the hearts of all the saved by the Holy Ghost which dwells in them (see Rom. 5:5). There is no love as pure, sweet, or great as the love of true Christians. In 1 John 3:14, we are told that we can know we are saved if "we love the brethren." We are also told that if we do not love others, that we abide in "death," or darkness.


Hope speaks of things to come, or a time to come. True Christians have a future - - a real future. It seems that the world is on a collision course with doom. With war and strife on every hand, with dreaded diseases gaining on medical science every day, with hate In the very bloodstream of mankind, It seems there is no hope for planet Earth. But, for the child of God, hope Is not in this world. Our hope Is In Jesus Christ, who Is soon coming back to this Earth. He will put down all sin forever. This Is hope for which we need to give thanks to our Heavenly Father.

A Mini-Sermon From Billy Bryant
Marion, NC-USA


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