Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"


"Giving thanks unto the Father"

(Colossians 3:17)

Giving thanks is a personal thing. It is something you can do. It is something I can do. It is the Individual heart counting its own blessings, and then bowing In the right direction to give thanks to the proper person. And, it is more than a once-a-year happening. This aspect of thanksgiving is a continuous expression of the heart - -especially for the saved. Thanksgiving, then:


It looks upward to God and bows in worship before Him. It realizes that it is our Heavenly Father who has blessed us and that all good gifts come down from above (see James 1:17). It knows that thanks should be given for all things to the One who cares for us. As Paul tells us, we are to give thanks "always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Eph. 5:20). Giving thanks is a spiritual thing, and it is a great prayer and crown of worship.


As we give thanks to God, we look around us and find a source of joy in the bountifulness of our God. Many times, when we are depressed and despondent, we need only to look around us to see others who have greater needs than we do. Then, our troubles seem small, and our sorrows seem few. Our weeping turns to joy as we give thanks, and, instead of complaining, we want to extend a helping hand to others. We want them to be blessed, also.


Thanksgiving looks outward with a helping hand to the needs of others in an effort to bring as many as possible into the blessings of God. It Is at the throne of grace that we, as needy creatures, find salvation for the soul. We find strength to live a life pleasing to the Lord. We find all our needs for soul, body, and spirit - - food for the day, hope for tomorrow, and eternal life with the Lord. Oh, give thanks unto the Lord!

A Mini-Sermon From Billy Bryant
West Court St. Baptist--Marion, NC-USA


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