Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Giving Thanks For Others

"We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention

                    of you in our prayers." (1 Thessalonians 1:2)

When a person is saved, he becomes a child of God; that is, he takes on the likeness of God. The unsaved are not so. They live after the flesh, after the fallen, corrupt nature. Think about what It would be like living in this world as a saved person, without any other saved people to fellowship with. I thank God for all the saved people - - the people of God. We share a mutual understanding, a mutual love. We have much In common. Find God's people and stay with them.


The Lord's people are a delivered people. Every person who has been born Into this world is born a fallen creature. under the bondage of sin. Until that person is divinely delivered, he will remain In bondage to sin and his sinful nature. When any person comes to Jesus Christ, in faith, confessing his sins and his need for a Savior, Jesus delivers him from sin. I am thankful for God*s delivered people,


It is not easy to turn "to God from idols to serve the living and true God" (v. 9). It involves joining the camp of God's people and turning your back on all who are unsaved. It means you may be shunned and may have lonely days and days of discouragement. It is only those who have thoroughly made up their mind to make heaven their home who march on with the people of God. They are determined to stay with God and His people. Thank God for His determined people.


"To wait for His Son from heaven" (v.10). It is wonderful to be saved and walk with God and His people here. It is a little bit of heaven to go to heaven in. But, just think. God has brought us out of the land of sin and Satan's bondage so that He can bring us into a wonderful country called heaven. The journey may be long and hard, but our destination is certain. God has prepared and reserved a place for His redeemed people, and our destiny Is already fixed In Jesus. our Savior - - a better day coming in a better place.

A Mini-Sermon From Billy Bryant
Marion, NC-USA


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