Dedicated To The Men of God
Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word" |

Being Our Best
For God
Romans 12:1-2
In Joshua 24:1-15, we find Joshua calling
together the rulers and leaders of Israel. He calls
them together to remind them of God's blessings upon
them and their nation (1. Choosing of Abraham, 2.
Deliverance from Egypt, 3. Victory over enemies
during Wilderness Wanderings, 4. Entrance into
Promised Land). As we look back, can we not see how
God has blessed us also.
1. Life
2. Liberty
3. Love (God's)
In essence, we can say that God has given us His
very best during our lifetime. How many of us can
say that we have given God OUR very best? Probably
not many, if any. No matter how slack we may have
been, there is nothing we can do to change the past.
But, we can do something about the future. We can
decide this day to Be Our Best For God!
Being our best for God requires TWO ACTIONS on our
I. The Giving Of Our Bodies To God.
(present our bodies a living sacrifice)
A. A personal sacrifice. (you, ye, your)
B. A pointed sacrifice. (brethren)
C. A possible sacrifice. (by mercies of God)
D. A peculiar sacrifice. (living)
E. A pleasing sacrifice. (holy...God)
F. A proper sacrifice. (reasonable service)
II. The Giving Of Our Minds To God.
A. Must not allow our minds to be conformed to
the world.
agree with or to take the
qualities of. an outward force.
1. Conforming is generally easy.
2. Conforming is generally evil.
B. Must allow our minds to be transformed by the
change the shape or appearance
of, an inward force.
1. Gives us insight.
2. Gives us identity.
As Joshua concluded his words to the leaders of Israel,
in Joshua 24:1-15, he challenged them to decide who they
were going to serve. He then told them ,"as for me
and my house, we will serve the Lord." May we join
with Joshua and say the same words. And, may we Be Our
Best For God in the years we have left!
From Ken Kirkley- Pastor Oak Grove Baptist Church-
Landrum, SC- USA


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Tom Walker |