Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

The devil has often been
pictured as having two horns and a tail with a pitchfork in his hand. This
is the product of someone*s
imagination for no such picture of the devil is found in the Bible. Rather
he is described as a subtle deceiver who transforms himself into an angel
of light. His purpose is to blind the minds of unbelievers and
keep the light of the glorious gospel
of Christ from shining in unto them. He is called "the accuser of the
brethren" and we are commanded to resist him. Peter says, "Be
sober, be vigilant (on your guard) because your adversary*
the devil, as a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may
devour." Jesus said that Satan was murderer from the beginning and
abode not in the truth. "When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his
Satan put it into the
hearts of Ananias and Sapphira to lie to the Holy Ghost. He has put lies
in peoples*
minds and lies on peoples*
lips since the days of Adam and Eve in the garden. When I speak now of
"nots" in the devil*s
"tale" I*m
speaking about the lies that Satan has caused men to speak.
The first "not"
in the devil*s
tale is found in Genesis 3:1. Satan said to Eve, "Hath God said, ye
shall NOT eat of every tree of the garden?" No, God had not forbidden
Adam and Eve to eat of every tree, only the fruit of the tree in the midst
of the garden. Satan misquoted God telling Eve this lie. His purpose was
to divide man from God, to cast doubt in Eve*s
mind concerning God*s
goodness. He was saying, in effect, if God was good and loved you, He
would permit you to eat anything you want. He would make no restrictions.
We must not listen to Satan*s
subtle insinuation. God knows what is best for us and He is the author of
every good and perfect gift. I oftentimes say to young Christians that if
God asks you to give up something in your life, often some habit, it is
because it is not good for you and I add that Christ always has something
better to give in its place.
The second "not"
in the devil*s
tale is found three verses later. Adam said unto the woman, "Ye shall
not surely die." God said plainly, You may eat of the fruit of the
trees of the garden but not of the fruit of the tree in the midst of the
garden. You must not eat that fruit, not even touch it lest ye die. Satan
lied again and said to Eve, "Ye shall not surely die."
The tempter told her the forbidden fruit was delicious and much to be
desired and she should go right ahead and eat regardless of what God said.
‘Why, God won*t
keep His Word, you wont die.*
So, she took of the fruit and ate and gave some to her husband and he ate
and their eyes were opened and they saw themselves naked. Now they*
knew they were sinners stripped of all innocency. When the Lord called to
them in the cool of the day, they went and hid themselves, trembling in
fear. But the sad truth is, God always keeps His Word and they did die,
spiritually that very moment and physically*
by degrees. God said to Adam, "For out of the dust wast thou taken .
. and unto the dust shalt thou
return." The New Testament says, "As in Adam all die .
." "For as by one man*s
disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many
be made righteous." (Romans 5:19).
The third
"naught" in the devil*s
tale is found in Job 1:9. "Then Satan answered the Lord and said,
Doth Job fear God for naught?" Satan*s
strategy has been and is to throw doubt on God*s
goodness and man*s
in loving the Lord. Satan bates most, men and women who sincerely love the
Lord, not just for all the benefits we*ve
received from His bountiful hand of mercy, but for who
He is, our Lord, our Saviour, our friend. Satan said to the Lord, ‘The
only reason Job serves you is because you*ve
been so good to him. You*ve
prospered and protected him. Take away these blessings and he*ll
curse you to your face.*
But Satan, praise God, was wrong. Job*s
ten children were all wiped out by Satan, his livestock was all destroyed,
his wife told him to curse Cod and die, and he was afflicted with sores
all over his body. Yet the Bible says that he could say, "The Lord
gave and the Lord bath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."
Some of us are tempted as
was Job. Sickness, poverty, trouble, friends misunderstand, one blow upon
another and we wonder why the test, when we try to do our best, but we*ll
understand it better by and by. I pray*
that it may be said of you dear Christian friends reading this message
today, he loved the Lord more than houses or land, more than fame or
fortune, more than loved ones or life itself. When trials come and Satan
tempts you sorely, remember Job and his afflictions and remember the
precious promise of God*s
"There bath no
temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is
faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are
able; hut will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that y*e
may be able to bear it."
The fourth "not"
in the devil*s
tale was spoken by Jesus*
enemies, the Pharisees. When a man who was both blind and dumb was brought
to Jesus, He healed him "insomuch that the blind man both spoke and
saw and all the people were amazed." And they said, ‘This must be
the son of David.*
But the Pharisees said, ‘No, this is not David*s
son (Messiah) but Beelzebub*s
son, the Prince of the devils. Now Jesus knew their wicked thoughts. in
their hearts these wicked religionists knew that Jesus was the Christ,
they knew that this miracle had been done through the power of the Spirit,
not through the wicked one, hut they spoke a lie for now they
deliberately, consciously reject Christ, and seal their own doom. They
attributed the work of the Holy*
Spirit to the devil, even though in their hearts they knew they were lying
and blaspheming. This day the author of eternal salvation was in their
midst and they knew who He was and yet wickedly, deliberately refused to
receive Him as Lord and Saviour. Jesus said their blasphemy of the Holy*
Ghost could never be forgiven. (Matthew 12).
In Matthew 16 it is Satan using
Peter trying to thwart the plan of God for our redemption. As the time
came near for Jesus to go to the cross, he explained to his disciples that
he must go up to Jerusalem and suffer many indignities at the hands of the
elders, scribes and chief priests and be killed. "Then Peter took
him, and began to rebuke him.
saying, Be it far from from thee, Lord: this shall not he unto
thee." But the Lord Jesus turned to Simon Peter and said "Get
thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me." How
ridiculous for a man to rebuke the Lord and contradict what the Lord has
spoken; yet how often Satan tempts us to sin. Abraham was tempted to lie
about Sarah and he did. David was tempted to commit adultery and he did.
Moses was tempted to smite the rock and he did in anger. All of these were
great men of God who sinned. How we who love the Lord need to put on the
whole armour of God and keep it on that we may be able to stand against
the wiles of the devil.
Not only did Peter sin in
rebuking the Lord but that sin led to his denial of Jesus. We find the
story in Luke 22. A certain maid saw Peter warming himself by*
the fire while Jesus was being given a mock trial in the high priest*s
house. She came up to him and said, "You were with Jesus!" And
Peter replied, "I know him not." Three years you*ve
been with Jesus, Peter. You went out preaching in His name. It was you who
confidently said, Lord Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God. But
now you deny Him. You*re
afraid of that crowd you*re
sitting with. You*re
afraid they might take you before the high priest. I*m
not condemning Peter. His cowardice, his arrogance beforetime condemns
him, but I think. how much I am like Peter. I am weak but Thou art strong.
Jesus keep me from all wrong. "Daily
walking close to Thee, let it be, dear Lord, let it be."
The final "not"
in the devil*s
tale is found in John 8:13.
"The Pharisees
therefore said unto him, Thy record is not true." Satan would have
men believe the scientists than believe God. He would rather have you
trust your feeling for salvation than trust the word of God. He would
rather you believe man*s
theory of evolution than God*s
word about divine creation. He would lead you to believe there is no
burning Hell when God has warned too plainly there is such a horrible
place. When the Pharisees told Jesus His record was not true, they made
God a liar. When men falsely declare that Jesus is not God come in the
flesh, the Bible brands them deceivers whose coming is after the working
of Satan.
When Satan comes to tempt
us, we must overcome him with God*s
Word. Jesus did. Our Saviour was hungry and Satan said, ‘Command these
stones be made bread.*
answer was, "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that
proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Three times in Matthew chapter
four Satan tempted Jesus and three times Jesus answered him with Scripture—"It
is written." Sin will keep us from the Word, but the Word of God will
keep us from sin.

Site created by Tom Walker