Of course, the answer to my*
question is, nothing! as far as the smell is concerned, they*re
both in the same stinking business. Do you know the modern definition of a
skunk? It*s
a streamlined, two-toned kitty with a fluid drive. Well, we asked this
question because we*re
asked so many times the difference between "legal" liquor and
illegal. There is no difference either.
You can examine a fruit jar
full of moonshine liquor made against the law up in the mountains and sold
by a bootlegger down in the back alley*
and then take a bottle of Buddummer beer or Four Noses whiskey sold on
Main Street by a "respectable" liquor dealer and find, the
alcohol in both to be the same. Yes sir, not a speck of difference in the
alcohol sold legally or illegally.
you ever noticed that legal whiskey will cause a man to wreck his car,
putting his wife and children in the hospital just the same as bootleg
whiskey? Legal
liquor will cause a man and wife to fuss like cats and dogs with the
marriage blasted on the rocks of divorce and the children sent off to an
home just as will liquor sold against the law. The crimes that men and
women commit under the influence of legal liquor are identical to those
committed who*ve
imbibed "mountain dew:" Murder, rape, robbery, etc.
When I was a young man in
early teens, I used to play with a boy who lived up the street. This
mother and dad were unsaved and loved to go to the bars and night clubs
and whoop it up. One morning about 2 a. m. they*
were returning from the tap room in their automobile and began to argue
loudly. Only a few blocks from home the mother turned to the father in a
fit of rage and said, 選*ll
show you what I*ll
do." And cursing, she rolled down the window beside her and threw her
little tiny baby out on the sidewalk. It*s
skull was crushed and died instantly. Listen, legal liquor (that*s
what she*d
been drinking) has the same deadening effect on the brain as illegal.
I don*t
want to get bitten by either a copperhead or a rattle. snake. It*s
not the color of their skin, or the spots on their back or how many
rattles they have or don*t
have I*m
worried about. It*s
the poison in their fangs. One will kill just the same as the other.
In "Wet" and
"Dry" elections, the "All-Wets" always cry, it*s
better to have it licensed and controlled than to have bootleggers. Let*s
see if it is! If you call up a bootlegger and have him deliver whiskey to
your door, you drink his liquor, turn out to be a drunkard (millions have)
die in your sins and go to Hell. There*s
not a legal liquor dealer in the land that won*t
do the same thing.
If your son patronizes one
of these off-the-beaten-path whiskey houses and shells out his money, the
bootlegger will sell him booze that he knows will wreck his life, harm his
body, damn his soul and bring sorrow and shame to you but I*ll
tell you friends, a legal liquor dealer will do the same thing. Now you
know that*s
Say your daughter goes out
some night for a big time with the crowd and they stop at a bootleg dive;
that bootlegger knows when he sells them the whiskey that before morning
your girl under the stupor of drunkenness will he the victim of the evil
passions of those men and perhaps become an unwed mother. But, if your son
or daughter goes out to dance in one of these swanky night clubs or
cocktail lounges and drinks liquor sold "legally" by a bartender
who is a member up at the Fuss Church, that booze will do the same
identical thing to them as the moonshine, and you know it*s
As far as I*m
concerned if there*s
going to be skunks or pole-cats around, I want them down by the creek or
behind the barn or in the back alley, not in my kitchen or living room. A
man that will peddle the rotten stuff through the week in these
"Animal Clubs"勇lks, Moose, Eagles, etc. and in these Veterans
Clubs遊. F. W, American Legion, Amvets, etc. besides the City Clubs,
Country Clubs, and all the others, I don*t
want to see singing in the Church choir on Sunday or teaching a Sunday
School class or sitting on the official Board. These rascals are more
hypocritical than their bootlegger傭rothers. It*s
the alcohol they both sell that kills.
Some smart-aleck remarked,
"The beer and liquor business is just the same as any*
other legitimate business." Is that so?
Did you ever hear tell of a
fellow getting drunk on buttermilk? I never heard of a man being untrue to
his wife because he ate too much ice cream, did you? Can you ever recall
hearing of a husband pleading with his wife not to leave him because he
ate too many of her biscuits? I tell you, there is a difference. The beer,
ale, wine, gin, rum, vodka, whiskey business is a dirty, rotten, filthy,
selfish ungodly business that does nothing but ruin, wreck, blight, damn
and destroy: homes, marriages, businesses, bodies, and souls.
If this curse is sold
against the law, without my approval, in defiance of my vote and the
majority of others and awful tragedies occur as the result, I*m
not to blame. But if I vote for legalization. give my approval of this
wicked traffic, I become a party to every broken home, twisted body, and
damned soul and God will hold me responsible. By the grace of God I shall
never let my name or influence be used on the side of America*s
No. 1 blight, BOOZE!
"Wine is a mocker,
strong drink is raging, and whosoever is deceived thereby*
is not wise." (Proverbs 20:1).

Site created by Tom Walker