Upper Room Men
Text: Acts 1:13-14.
Introduction: Upper room men like these disciples were
are needed today.
I. Instructed Men (teachable)
A. About the Resurrection of Christ
B. About their Responsibility to Christ
C. About the Return of Christ
II. Inspired Men
A. Men of Conviction
B. Men of Compassion
C. Men of Courage
III. Infilled Men
A. Found them
B. Fed them
C. Filled them
IV. Instructed Men
A. Calling others
B. Convicting others
C. Converting others
D. Comforting others
Sermon from Danny Black, M.Div.
Pastor Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church- Spindale,NC-USA
Professor of Homiletics- West Lenoir Baptist School of Ministries


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