Matthew 6:915 "HALLOWED BE THY NAME" I. "HALLOWED BE" - HAGIAZO - Same as the Hebrew word - KAH-DASH (Meaning- That which is different) 1. Exodus 19:6 - Holy Nation 2.Exodus 20:8 - Holy Sabbath 3.Exodus 26:33 - Holy Place 4.Exodus 28:2 - Holy Garments 5. Leviticus 21:8 - Holy Priest 6. Leviticus 27:32 - Holy Tithe 7. I Peter 3:15 - Holy Lord Meaning- To honor; to give glory; to praise; to exalt; to give reverence. II. "THY NAME" - John 17:6; Psalm 9:10 "Name" means- The whole of character and personality. Everytime God*s name is used, it reveals something about God*s character and personality. Use of God*s name in scripture reveals a progressive revelation of the personality of God. 1. ELOHIM - GOD OUR CREATOR - Reveals the creative and governing power of God. Used 35 times from Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:4. Name used in plural form (1) FATHER - Power of Creation (2) SON - Power of Redemption (3) SPIRIT - Power of Perpetuation 2. JEHOVAH - GOD OUR LIFE -"LORD" in the English - All Caps. Jehovah is used 6,823 times in the Old Testament. Word means- The being who is absolutely Self-Existent. The one who in Himself possesses Essential Life, Permanent Existence. Isaiah 43:10-11. 3. EL-SHADDAI - GOD OUR CONTROL -GOD AlMIGHTY (1) "EL" The one who controls nature; The God who blesses (2) "SHADDAI" The many breasted God; All sufficient; The God who supplies- Isaiah 66:10-13. 4. ADONAI - GOD OUR DIRECTOR - Name means owner or master. Plural name, it reveals the Trinity 5. JEHOVAH-JIRAH - GOD OUR PROVIDER - Genesis 22:14- vs. 8 translation provided Name means- God who sees and provides. Look at the last word of vs. 14. 6. JEHOVAH-ROPHE - GOD OUR HEALER - Exodus 15:22-26 (vs. 26) 7. JEHOVAH-NISSI - GOD OUR DELIVERER - Exodus 17:15 God our banner- (Pole) Numbers 21:8-9; John 3:14 8. JEHOVAH-M'KADDIESH - GOD OUR SANCTIFIER - Same word as "Hallowed" 9. JEHOVAH-SHALOM - GOD OUR PEACE - Judges 6:24 God of Peace appears in a time when "Every man did that which was right in his own eyes". 10. JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU - GOD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS -Word means- Full measure of weight. God's dealings with man about righteousness, justification, and acquittal. 11. JEHOVAR-ROHI - GOD OUR SHEPHERD - Psalm 23:1 Word means- To feed; to lead to pasture. 12. JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH - GOD OUR COMPANION - Ezekiel 48:35 - God is Three Revelation 21:1-3 SERMON FROM PASTOR BOB DAUGHERTY |
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