Matthew 6:9-13 INTRO. There are two things in this model prayer that we have not covered as yet:1. The Reigns of Prayer- "Lead Us" Prayer is the means of Divine leadership for the believer 2. The reward of Prayer- "Deliver Us" As we turn our problems over to our Lord, He delivers usI. THE PRECAUTION OF PRAYER 1. Have Scriptural Teaching- Matthew 6:5-7 2. Have Simple Trust Matthew 21:22 II. THE PLACE OF PRAYER 1.Our Public Prayer Time- (1) Short (2) Simple2. Our Private Prayer Time- (1) Place of Communion (2) Place of Confession III. THE PROMISE OF PRAYER 1. A Promise that is Simple- John 14:14 2. A Promise with the Saints- Matthew 18:19 IV. THE PRIVILEGE OF PRAYER 1. Know its Purpose- John 16:24 2. Know its Potential- Jeremiah 33:3V. THE PRACTICE OF PRAYER 1. Simple Praying I Kings 18:36-382. Supernatural Praying- Genesis 18:10-14 VI. THE POWER OF PRAYER 1. Power for our Work- Acts 4:312. Power for our Weaknesses- James 4:2VII. THE PATTERN OF PRAYER 1. Pray with Praise- Psalm 100:4 2. Pray with Passion- Acts 20:31 VIII. THE PRECEPTS OF PRAYER 1. There must be Consecration- II Chronicles 7:11 2. There must be Confidence- Matthew 21:22; Mark 11:24IX. THE PEOPLE OF PRAYER 1. They are to be Consistant- Luke 11:8; James 1:5-7 2. They are to be Committed- Mark 9:29; Jeremiah 29:13 SERMON FROM PASTOR BOB DAUGHERTY |
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