Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Billy Bryant
Audio Page

It is my privilege and honor to present a real audio page for the man that I will always consider to be my own pastor,  Brother Billy Bryant.  He was pastor of the following churches:: 

Pleasant Valley Baptist in Madison County, NC 
Laurel Springs Baptist in Buncombe County, NC. 
Broad River Baptist--Bat Cave, NC
Sandy Springs Baptist Church- NC.

 For some almost thirty-eight years he was pastor of the West Court Street Baptist Church in Marion, N.C.  Brother Bryant is now retired from the pastorate due to health reasons.  He is now on one radio station- WWOL in Forest City  His radio schedule is as follows:

WWOL Radio- Forest City, NC-Sunday
8:30-9:00 P.M.

Brother Bryant preaches the word of God without apology.  In many ways he is a role model for younger preachers of the Gospel of Christ.  During his pastorates he was a faithful, Spirit-filled, God anointed, God called, man of God.  No one has had a greater impact on my life, since my Dad passed away many years ago, than has Brother Bryant, my "father" in the ministry.

To Listen to Brother Bryant's
Lastest Broadcast- Click on blue buttons below-
It might require a "double" click
"Unto Him Be Glory"
The Roger Henson Family Singing

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