Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"


INTRODUCTION:::Thank God for HIS call on the life of Moses.Thank God for HIS CALL on our life.His call to salvation..His call to service.
>        Moses was a shepherd for forty years. God was     
>        in no hurry!(Isaiah 28:16).
>   A.Shepherds were an abomination to Egypt.
>      (Genesis 46:31-34).
>    B.God's ways are not our ways.
>       He takes the foolish things of the world to
>       confound the mighty.
>    C.Moses was shepherd for 40 years(Exodus 2:15-      
>       21).
>    A.It took Moses 40 years to learn to be some
>       thing;40 years to learn to be nothing;and   40
>       years to learn a great deal God could do with
>        nothing,if it was yielded to HIM.
>    B.The fire could represent:

          1.Word of God in the fire of Criticism;

          2.Christ on the Cross,'neath the fire of God's Judgement;

          3.Church in the fire of persecution;

          4.Jews in the fire of afflictions.
> III-HUMILIATION..v.5-"Put off thy shoes from
>      thy feet.........."
>    A. Moses was on holy ground and knew it. 
>       Someone has rightly said,"Only the man who
>       knows how to take off his shoes in humility can
>       God trust to walk in POWER.
>    B.Moses later asked,"Who am I?"(verse 11).
>    C.There are only two places for the child of God:
>        1.In the dust of humility
>        2.In Heaven
>    D. So until we get to Heaven,we must remain humble down here.
> IV--IDENTIFICATION..(Verses 7-10_
>    "I have seen...I have heard their cry....I know....
>      I am come down..." What a message of
>      GRACE!!!
>    .God idenifies with His people...(We con-
>        pare this with the birth of Christ,GOD CAME
>        DOWN!
> V---REVELATION..(Who is God)?
>     A.Jehovah--I am that I am.
>     B.Revelation of HIS Care(Verse 7).
>     C.Revelation of HIS Purpose(Verses 8,9).
>          "To Possess...To Bring In...To Deliver..
>            To Seperate.
>           NOTE The:::"I AM'S of Jesus in John"
>            (6:35;8:12;10:9,11:11:35;14:6; 15:1-5).
> VI--INVITATION....(Verse 10--"COME"
>     The Late Hershal Ford Has a Message on,"God's
>      Favorite Word." He said it is the word,"COME."
>     .It is the word of INVITATION.
>      He said to Noah.."Come"
>      He said in Isaiah 1:18-"Come."
>      Jesus said to Zacchaeus in Luke 19:5-"COME."
>      Again,in Matthew 11:28-"Come."
>      The last Invitation in the Bible: Revelation 22:17
>       "COME."
>       "Come and I will send you."(Verse 10, Isaiah
>         6:8).
> VII--PROCLAMATION..(Verse 16).
>     A.The message concered all the people.
>     B.His message should concern us too!
>     C.God will give some people to hear. (Verse 18).

Hendersonville, NC- USA


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