INTRODUCTION: (1) God's Plan is God's Man; (2) Not methods, plans, systems, organizations, but God uses men; (3) 70 Elders and 12 spies messed up the children of Israel I. WHAT KIND OF A MAN DOES GOD USE? 1. Must be born again - Jn. 3 2. Must be surrendered to Christ 3. Must be clean inside and out 4. Must be saturated with Word of God 5. Must be separated unto Holy Ghost II. HOW DOES GOD USE MEN? Ex. 1. Enoch walked with God 2. Noah worked for God 3. Abraham believed God 4. Moses legislated for God 5. Elijah exposed for God III. WHEN DOES GOD USE MEN? 1. Moses waited 80 years 2. Elijah waited 3 years 3. John Baptist waited 30 years 4. Jesus waited 30 years 5. Paul waited 3 years IV. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN GOD USES MEN? I. Sinners be saved 2. Christ be exalted 3. Holiness be promoted 4. Saints be established V. WHO MAY BE USED OF GOD? 1. Whoever is usable 2. Whoever will believe God 3. Whoever is surrendered to God 4. Whoever is filled with Holy Ghost VI. WHAT ARE PREPARATIONS I MUST MAKE? 1. I Must Die 2. All selfishness must be removed 3. Wisdom of this world must be rejected 4. Must cut loose from all earthly ties 5. Surrender self on altar of sacrifice Sermon From the Late Dr. B.B. Caldwell |