Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

God is Still in Charge

TEXT: Jude 14-16


When you study this little Epistle of Jude, you might easily lose sight of the fact that God is still on the throne. He elaborates so strongly about all the sin and ungodliness in the world being brought into the church by false teachers that you have a tendency to
forget that God will win in the end. The pleasures and powers of sin are but for a season.

Notice in these verses how Jude is careful to remind his readers that justice will one day be served
and these apostate teachers will stand before God and give an account of their ungodly; deeds.


Everything we know about Enoch from scripture is found in Genesis 5:18-24, Hebrews 11:5 and
here in Jude verses 14-15. He is identified here as the "seventh from Adam" to separate him from
Enoch, the son of Cain (Gen. 4:17). To this, all Bible scholars would agree.

There is a point here on which many disagree. Some believe that Jude was quoting here from the
apocryphal book of Enoch. Some feel the book of Enoch may not have even been in existence at that
time since it was not found until about the time of the Revolutionary War. I want to make just a
couple of statements concerning this argument.

(1) If indeed Jude was quoting from the apocryphal book of Enoch, that does not necessarily mean
the book of Enoch was inspired in the same way as scripture.
(2) There is no real way to know whether Enoch was written before Jude. The Book of Enoch
could have been written later. It is certainly possible that the Holy Spirit simply gave Jude this
information just as he gave certain accounts of Old Testament history to other inspired writers.

Jude makes it clear, God has a plan for all those who have lived ungodly and rejected Him and His
plan for His church. He speaks here of a two-fold purpose in his coming.

A. To execute judgment upon all. V-15
There will be a day when lost and saved alike, will stand before a just God and give an account of their lives.

(1) There will be a judgment of the saints. (I Cor. 3:12-15)

Saints will be awarded according to works.

(2) There will be a judgment of the sinners. (Rev. 20:11-15)

Sinners will be rewarded according
to works.

B. To convince the ungodly of their deeds
V-15 The wicked are blinded. One day they will be convinced. They will have to bow before
a just God and declare Jesus is Lord!

Here, the Holy Spirit speaks through the pen of Jude once again to describe certain traits that
possessed these apostate teachers.

A. They are always negative. V-16
"murmurers, complainers" ... Never anything right in God's work.. Can't rejoice over anything.

B. They are wrapped up in selfishness. V-16) "walking after their own lusts.."
This describes their lifestyle. No real concern for others. This attitude is common today, and not
just among leaders.

C. They are all talk. V-16 "great swelling words.." Always talking about doing something but
never doing it. If we Baptist did half as much evangelism as we talk about, we'd be getting the job

D. They back-pat people for their own advantage. V-16 "admiration
because of advantage."

Some people were bragging on people and patting them on the back just to be able to use them
to their own advantage.

When you look around at a world drowning in sin, just remember God's still in charge. He'll step
in one day and it will all be over. Justice will be served.

Sermon #5 - Jude Series by Cecil Lovelace


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