Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

Since Jesus Has Come
Gal.4:4,5 says, But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son,
made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might
receive the adoption of sons.
It was a wonderful time when Jesus came to this world, born of a young Jewish virgin by
the name of Mary. No other event has made more of an impact on our world than when
Jesus came down to earth to assume a body of humanity. Since Jesus has come:
I. Life Has Come-
Jesus said in Jn. 10:10, I am come that they might have life, and that
they might have it more abundantly. Abundant spiritual life is only
obtained through faith in the person of Christ. Life is not just something
He gives, for He is our life ( Col. 3:4).
II. Light Has Come-
Christ declared John 12:46, I am come a light into the world, that
whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness. Light reveals impurity
and filth. Man is born into the dark world of the unconvertedhe must have
light. This world dwells in darkness and must have Jesus to shed light, making
us aware of sin.
III. Lord Has Come-
He was the One who came into the womb of the virgin Mary, being conceived by the Holy
Ghost of God (Lk. 1:35). The power of the highest overshadowed Mary (Lk.1:35), and out of
that canopy of Divine Shekinah Glory came the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ is not
one of the boys, He was God tabernacled in humanity.
IV. Liberty Has Come-
Before we were saved, we could not serve God as we should, because sin then was our
master. But because of the liberating power of Christ from sins penalty and power,
we can feel a wonderful sense of liberty, to serve the Lord. We are surely as
the Bible says, Free indeed (Jn.8:36).
V. Love Has Come-
Christ coming down in His first coming shows us that God loves us so very
much. It was His love for us and His obedience to the Father that brought
Jesus down the stairway of heaven (Rom. 5:8). It was love embodied that
came down at Christmas.
VI. Last Days Have Come-
Many scholars are convinced that the last days began with the first
advent or coming of our blessed, good Lord. Since the last daysprobably
began when Jesus came to earth, we must be in the latter part of the last
days. The second coming of the Christ who came the first time may occur
very soon. Dont lose the thrill of serving God, rather allow the Lord to
rekindle your fire of love for Christ our Lord.
He has come to you but have you come to Him?
Sermon By Dr. Tom Walker

Site created by Tom Walker