Text: Eph. 6:10-24 Introduction: The filling of the Spirit affects both the life and the labor of the believer. The work of God is a spiritual work and requires the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish it. The walk of the believer is a spiritual walk and requires the power of the Spirit to fulfill it. The warfare of the believer is a spiritual warfare and requires the power of the Spirit to fight it.
I. The Churchs Adversary In This Conflict A. The person of our adversary ( Satan- real person) B. The position of our adversary (God of this world) C. The power of our adversary ( Powerful but not all powerful or omnipotent) 1. Angelic forces (v.12) 2. Humanistic forces (v.12) 3. Spiritualistic forces (v.12) D. The purposes of our adversary 1.To defeat the servants of God 2. To defile the saints of God 3. To doom sinners from God
II. The Churchs Armor Is Complete Jesus is the essence of the churchs armor. A. Our defensive armor 1. The girdle of truth- Christ is our truth. 2. The breast-plate of righteousness- Christ is our righteousness. 3. The shoes of peace - Christ is our peace. 4. The shield of faith - Christ is our faith. 5. The helmet of salvation- Christ is our hope.
B. Our offensive armor 1. The sword of the Spirit 2. The supplication of the Spirit
III. The Churchs Assured Conquest Because we stand in the Lord Jesus, we share in His victory. A. We must face the enemy (v.13) B. We must fight the enemy (vv.17-18) 1. With the Word of God 2. With prayer to God
Conclusion: The corporate church and the individual Christian must: 1- Accept Gods power for our warfare. 2- Affirm Gods purpose in our warfare. It is for our good and His glory. Sermon
By Dr. Curtis Barbery |