Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Contending for the Faith


(1) In verses 1-2 Jude had introduced himself and given greetings to those to whom he had been writing. He, in so doing, has clearly identified the recipients of the letter as true believers. (v1)

(2) Here in verses 3-4, he gives them the occasion of the letter, but first mentions that he had not started out to write to them on that particular subject.

(3) Notice Jude in these 2 verses gives
these believers a "Call To Arms." He is exhorting them to stand up for the Lord. This at least pre-supposes or suggests that they were standing idly by in such a passive, complacent attitude that false teachers and doctrines of heresy had begun to take over. The church leaders who were responsible for guarding the true doctrines had gone to sleep at the post.

Let's examine closely this passage as Jude gives a Call to Arms to the churches.


He apparently intended to write to them about the "common" salvation. The name "JUDAH"
means Praise , and he wanted to praise God for his salvation provided for all believers. This was the desire that filled his mind.

A. It was a strong desire. V-3

He gave "all diligence" to the original effort. This is a desire shared by every preacher. A desire to just spend the time in the pulpit bragging on and exalting Jesus. This is so much easier. It's very needful and it
never causes any friction. Yet, as Jude was, the preacher is called on to approach other needs.

B. It was a simple desire. V-3

He speaks of the "common salvation," a subject all could identify with. No matter how much Christians may disagree on some things, they can rejoice
together in a "common salvation." So, we see the notion that filled his mind. He wanted to write to them on the "common salvation" they shared. But Note:


It was a need to write to them and exhort them to "earnestly contend for the faith". He said that it was "needful," which means, he was constrained by a compelling force to do this. The word "exhort" is
similar to the word for "comforter"- one who is called alongside to aid or help out. Jude was saying, "I am exhorting you, calling you to my side to aid in contending for the faith.

A. There was a need to fight for the faith. V-3

The word "contend" means to "agonize." Pictures an athlete in the Greek games who stretches every muscle to do his best. It's more than just accepting or identifying with the faith. It's being willing to stand.

B. They were to follow the faithful. V-3
He speaks of that faith or belief or doctrine that was "once for all delivered to the saints". He was calling them to his side to defend and fight for the teachings of the earlier saints of God. What a need we
have in our day to do likewise.

We see in verse 3 the notion that filled his mind - to write about the common salvation. We see in verse 3 the need that dictated his message - the need to call on them to contend for the faith. Then in
verse 4 he mentions men, false teachers, that had slipped in unaware.
Here we see he describes:


Here he gives a very detailed description of these men and what made them tick.

A. We see their deception. V-4 "Crept in unawares." These were deceivers who had slipped in without being noticed. No church will allow and avowed, or known false teacher to come in. They slip in unaware. It's happening across the country and in SBC and other denominations.

B. We see their designations. V-4
"Ordained to this condemnation." (for judgment) There is a fore-ordained judgment for people who choose to be used by Satan in this manner. It
does not mean that they were born without an opportunity to be saved.

C. We see their depravity. V-4 "ungodly
men" - men who were ungodly in their attitude, teaching, and lifestyle. (many are preaching and teaching today, totally depraved).

D. We see their destruction. V-4 "turning
the grace of our God into lascivious-ness." They were perverting the gospel of grace. they were leading the Christians of that day into a
life-style of indecency and lack of any moral restraint.

E. We see their denial. V-4 They "deny
the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ." They denied the very deity of Christ. This is not a new doctrine, it was common in Jude's day. Today, more than ever, people deny the deity of Christ. In the eyes of many, he has been reduced to a "good man", a mere human. Jude was saying that he felt compelled to call them to his side to aid in contending for the faith that was once delivered to the saints.

He's Clearly sounding the "Call to Arms."
In our day, we are seeing a wholesale display of Apostasy. People
turning away from and denying the faith once delivered to the saints.

Sermon #2 In Series on Jude by Cecil Lovelace


The Fundamental Top 500

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