THE CROSS OF JESUS CHRIST Text: 1 Cor.1:18-25. INTRODUCTION: Note the three things about the cross in these verses: 1. To the Jews it was stumbling block. They wanted religion. 2. To Greeks it was foolishness. They wanted knowledge. 3. To us that are saved, it is the power of God. We need salvation. I. THE CAUSE OF THE CROSS A. The predicament of Man (Rom.3:23; Rom. 5:12). B. The penalty of sin (Rom.3:23). C. The providence of God (Acts 2:22-23). II. THE CHRIST AND THE CROSS Note who Christ is: A. Accepted Sacrifice(Isa. 53). B. Atoning Saviour (Heb. 9:26; Heb. 10:16-18). C. Abiding Shepherd (Ps. 23; 1 Pet.2:25) D. Almighty Sovereign (Phil. 2:9-11) III. THE CRUELTY OF THE CROSS A. He was stripped (Matt.27:28). B. He was scourged (Luke 18:33). C. He was smitten (John 19:3). D. He was spit upon (Matt. 27:30) IV. THE CRIES FROM THE CROSS A. A forgiving cry (Lk. 23:24). B. A favoring cry (Luke 23:42-43). C. A family cry (Jn. 19:25-26). D. A forsaking cry (Matt. 27:46). E. A fervent cry (Jn. 19:28). F. A finishing cry (Jn. 19:30). G. A farewell cry (Luke 23:46). V. THE CONSOLATION OF THE CROSS (Col. 1:20). A. Mercy now available. B. Mediator established. C. Met the demands of a Holy God. CONCLUSION: The cross of Jesus Christ was : defeating to Satan, delightful to the sovereign, delivering to the sinner, and declared in the Scripture. SERMON BY JOE ARTHUR--PASTOR OF JONESBORO BAPTIST