Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"



INTRODUCTION                                                                                                            1:1

   (1) The Author  1:1a

         Servant of God

         Servant of Jesus Christ

   (2) The Recipients     1:1b

   (3) The Greeting     1:1c



    A. Trials From Without    1:2-12

         1. The Proper Attitude For Facing Trials    1:2-4

           a. The Attitude Commanded       1:2

           b. The Outcome Considered     1:3-4

             (1) Trials Purify Faith    1:3a

             (2) Trials Produce Patience     1:3b

             (3) Trials Perfect Character   1:4

         2. The Provided Resource For Facing Trials    1:5-8

           a. The Necessity of Wisdom    1:5a

           b. The Availability of Wisdom   1:5b

           c. The Bestowal of Wisdom     1:5c-8

             (1) The Divine Response    1:5c

             (2) The Human Responsibility   1:6-8

              (a) The Required Attitude    1:6a

              (b) The Rejected Character    1:6b-8

         3. Two Particular Examples Of Trials To Be Faced    1:9-11

           a. Poverty   1:9

           b. Prosperity      1:10-11

         4. The Prize Embraced For Facing Trials  1:12

           a. The Happiness Experienced    1:12a

           b. The Honor Embraced   1:12b

    B. Temptations From Within 1:13-18

         1.The Analysis Of Human Temptation    1:13-16

           a. The Source of Temptation    1:13-14

              (1) A Denial of A Divine Source    1:13

                (a) The Denial Stated      1:13a

                (b) The Denial Substantiated    1:13b

              (2) A Declaration of A Human Source   1:14

           b. The Consequence of Yielding To Temptation  1:15

           c. The Caution Concerning The Issue   1:16

         2. The Activity Of God In Human Affairs   1:17-18

           a. The Source of Good Gifts   1:17

           b. The Supreme Gift    1:18

              (1) The Initiative In Salvation   1:18a

              (2) The Instrument In Salvation     1:18b

              (3) The Intention In Salvation  1:18c

    C. The Role Of The Word Of God In Facing Trials  1:19-27

         1. The Word Of God Demands Attention  1:19-20

           a. Be Swift To Hear   1:19a

           b. Be Slow To Speak    1:19b

           c. Be Slow To Wrath    1:19c-20

         2. The Word Of God Demands Reception    1:21

           a. The Sin of Filthiness Rejected   1:21a

           b. The Scriptures Received       1:21b

              The Responsibility To Receive It

              The Attitude For Receiving It

              The Incentive For Receiving It

         3. The Word Of God Demands Action  1:22-27

           a. The Imperative     1:22

              (1) Doers of The Scriptures  1:22a

              (2) Deceivers of Selves     1:22b

           b. The Illustration  1:23-25

              (1) The Negative Picture  1:23-24

              (2) The Positive Picture  1:25

           c. The Application: Three Tests For Applied Christianity   1:26-27

              (1) The Test of Controlling The Tongue  1:26

              (2) The Test of Comforting The Troubled 1:27a

              (3) The Test of Caution Against Becoming Tainted 1:27b



    A. Faith Excludes Discrimination   2:1-13

         1. The Condemnation of Discrimination   2:1-4

           a. Discrimination Prohibited     2:1

           b. Discrimination Illustrated   2:2-3

           c. Discrimination Admitted      2:4

         2. The Conflict of Discrimination    2:5-11

           a. Conflicts With God=s Choice    2:5-6

           b. Criticizes God=s Character    2:7

           c. Contradicts God=s Commandments  2:8-11

              (1) A Concession  2:8

              (2) A Correction   2:9

              (3) A Conviction    2:10-11

         3. The Caution Concerning Discrimination   2:12-13

           a. Discrimination Violates The Law of Liberty   2:12

           b. Discrimination Violates The Law of Mercy    2:13

    B. Faith Expresses Itself In Deeds     2:14-26

         1. The Essence Of Dead Faith    2:14-17

           a. False Faith Declared     2:14

           b. False Faith Described     2:15-16

           c. False Faith Denounced      2:17

         2. The Expression Of True Faith    2:18-26

           a. True Faith Identified     2:18-20

              (1) The Assertion of An Objector   2:18a

              (2) The Answer to The Objector    2:18b-19

              (3) The Appeal to The Objector    2:20

           b. True Faith Illustrated     2:21-26

              (1) Abraham=s Faith Produced Works    2:21-23

                (a) The Evidence of His Faith  2:21

                (b) The Results of His Faith   2:22-23

                  1) The Perfecting of His Faith    2:22

                  2) The Fulfillment of Scripture    2:23a

                  3) The Friendship with God    2:23b

              (2) True Faith Produces Works     2:24

              (3) Rahab=s Faith Produced Works   2:25

              (4) Faith That Produces No Works Is Dead   2:26



    A. The Importance Of Controlling The Tongue    3:1-8

         1. It Has The Power To Direct   3:1-4

           a. The Desire To Teach    3:1

           b. The Discipline Of The Tongue   3:2-4

              (1) The Imperative of Discipline  3:2

              (2) The Illustration of Discipline  3:3-4

         2. It Has The Power To Destroy  3:5-8

           a. The Power of The Tongue  3:5a

           b. The Pollution by The Tongue 3:5b-6

            c. The Paradox of The Tongue  3:7-8

              (1) It Is Untameable  3:7-8a

              (2) It Is Unruly and Poisonous  3:8b

    B. The Inconsistency Of The Tongue   3:9-12

         1. The Inconsistency Declared  3:9-10a

         2. The Inconsistency Decried    3:10b

         3. The Inconsistency Demonstrated   3:11-12

           a. The Illustration of The Fountain   3:11

           b. The Illustration of The Fruit Tree    3:12

    C. The Introduction of Two Wisdoms   3:13-18

         1. The Challenge To Demonstrate Wisdom    3:13

         2. The Conduct Of Earthly Wisdom   3:14-16

           a. The Detection of Earthly Wisdom     3:14

           b. The Derivation of Earthly Wisdom     3:15

           c. The Demonstration of Earthly Wisdom      3:16

         3. The Character Of Heavenly Wisdom  3:17-18

           a. The Features of Heavenly Wisdom  3:17

           b. The Fruit of Righteousness   3:18



    A. The Problem Of Strife    4:1-12

         1. The Symptoms Of The Problem    4:1-3

           a. Unbridled Desires   4:1

           b. Unrestrained Behavior    4:2

           c. Unanswered Prayer     4:3

         2. The Seriousness The Problem    4:4

         3. The Solution To The Problem   4:5-12

           a. The Spirit=s Intention   4:5

           b. The Spirit=s Enablement     4:6-10

              (1) The Promise of Abundant Grace   4:6

              (2) The Principles for Appropriating Grace   4:7-10

                (a) Submit to God    4:7

                (b) Draw Nigh to God      4:8a

                (c) Cleanse Your Hands  4:8b

                (d) Purify Your Hearts   4:8c

                (e) Be Afflicted, Mourn and Weep   4:9

                (f) Humble Yourself before The Lord    4:10

           c. The Scriptural Injunction Against Evil Speaking  4:11-12

              (1) The Injunction Stated  4:11a

              (2) The Injunction Substantiated  4:11b-12

    B. The Presumptuousness Of Self-Will     4:13-17

         1. Self-Will Revealed    4:13

         2. Self-Will Replaced   4:14-15

         3. Self-Will Rebuked    4:16-17

    C. The Prediction Concerning The Self-Willed  5:1-6

         1. The Declaration Of The Judgment   5:1

         2. The Description Of The Judgment   5:2-3

         3. The Delineation Of The Charges Bringing Judgment  5:4-6

           a. The Oppression of The Poor Laborers       5:4

           b. The Self-Indulgence of The Rich     5:5

           c. The Violence Against The Righteousness    5:6



    A. The Exhortation To Patient Waiting    5:7-9

         1. The Powerful Injunction      5:7a

         2. The Pertinent Illustration  5:7b

         3. The Personal Application     5:8

         4. The Prohibition Against Blaming One Another    5:9

    B. The Examples Of Patient Waiting     5:10-11

         1. The Prophets         5:10

         2. The Patriarch Job   5:11

    C. The Exclusion Of Self-Serving Oaths    5:12



    A. The Occasions For Prayer    5:13-15

         1. In Times Of Pressure      5:13a

         2. In Times Of Pleasure       5:13b

         3. In Times Of Physical Weakness  5:14-15

           a. The Procedure to Follow    5:14

           b. The Prayer of Faith     5:15

    B. The Opportunity Of Prayer   5:16

         1. The Practices Required    5:16a

         2. The Purpose Revealed    5:16b

         3. The Prayer Rewarded   5:16c

    C. The Object Lesson In Prayer    5:17-18

         1. A Man Of Passions   5:17a

         2. A Man Of Prayer    5:17b

         3. A Man Of Power In Prayer  5:17c-18



    1. The Possibility Of Erring From The Truth   5:19a

    2. The Productivity Of Restoration    5:19b-20

      a. Conversion Of Souls    5:19b-20a

      b. Covering of Sins                                                                                                 

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