The Gospel Which I Preach
During the French Revolution, somebody said to Talleyrand, bishop of
Autun: "The Christian religion–what is it? It would be easy to
start a religion like that." "Oh, yes," Talleyrand replied,
"One would only have to get crucified and rise again the third
The gospel or "good news" is the message that "Christ
died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and
that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures" (I
Cor. 15:3b-4). It is the gospel which was announced by an angel of the
Lord as recorded in Luke 2:10-11: "And the angel said unto them, Fear
not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to
all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour,
which is Christ the Lord". It is the same gospel which was
promised in the Old Testament Scriptures. In Romans 1:1-2, Paul wrote that
he was "separated unto the gospel of God, which he had promised afore
by his prophets in the Holy Scriptures." This gospel is described as
"the gospel of God" (Rom. 1:1), "the gospel of your
salvation" (Eph. 1:13), and "the everlasting gospel" (Rev.
14:6). It is the gospel which Paul preached, and it is the gospel which I
preach. It is a powerful gospel, a predicted gospel, and a proven gospel.
This same gospel is the hope of our world—the only hope of our world.
It is God’s message of "good news" to a desperately needy
world. May it have the same effect on us that it had upon those who heard
Paul preach it.
Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians does not primarily deal
with doctrine, but this chapter is an exception to the rule. The
simple message of the cross had been preached to the Corinthians.
Their serious errors in both doctrine and actual practice was Paul’s
major concern as he sought to correct them. He was greatly concerned
as to whether or not they had actually received the gospel. The
apostle reminded them of the content of the gospel that he had
preached to them. He also reminded them of their reception of it.
A. A Reminder From Paul (I Cor. 15:1a)
He reminded them of the gospel that he had preached unto
The term translated declare literally means, "to make
known." The idea here may be, "I want you to
understand" or "I remind you."
The reminder carries a tone of gentle rebuke. The idea is
that it should not have been necessary for Paul to
"declare" or make known a message with which these
Christians were already acquainted. The gospel of Jesus Christ
is such a great message that we should retain it carefully and
heed it diligently. The truth is that we need to be reminded
often of the very basics of the gospel. This is true because we
handle it so carelessly Thus Paul gently rebuked his readers
because they needed to be reminded of what he had preached to
The word gospel means "good news" or "a joyful
announcement." Paul had preached to them the "good
news" of the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.
The verb translated preached literally means "to bring
or announce good news."
The word "evangelize" is a transliteration of
this term.
B. Their Reception of the Gospel (15:1b-2)
"Which also ye have received" (v.1b) reminded them
that they had embraced Paul’s message–the gospel of Jesus
"Received" was the regular word used to describe
the receiving of a tradition handed down by a teacher.
Paul passed the gospel on to the Corinthians and they
embraced it for what it was. They took it to heart and acted
upon it.
"Wherein ye stand" (v.1b) points to their standing
in Christ as a result of their having received the gospel.
The tense of "ye stand" points to an action taken
in the past the results of which continue until the present.
They had taken their stand on the validity of the gospel
and they continued to stand firm until the present time.
The phrase by "which also ye are saved"
(v.2a) points out that they were saved by receiving, or
believing, and acting on this gospel.
The present tense of the verb indicates a continuous
It is the progressive character of salvation which is
spoken of here. Literally the thought is that the Corinthian
believers were being saved by the gospel which they had
received. Salvation begins when a person first believes on or
receives Christ as Lord and Saviour. Salvation progresses in
our lives, however, as we grow in our knowledge of and
fellowship with Christ.
"If ye keep in memory what I preached unto you"
indicates that their being saved was conditional on their
holding firmly to the Word which had been preached.
"If ye keep in memory" is literally "if you
hold fast." Remember that we are talking about the
progressive aspect of salvation here. Continuing in the
Christian life is proof that salvation has really occurred.
Failure to continue betrays an inadequate faith.
The Greek construction (First Class Conditional Sentence)
expresses the assurance that these readers would hold firm or
fast in their faith. There is no doubt expressed in the
"Unless ye have believed in vain" points out that
the Christian faith is vitally connected to the reality of the
resurrection of Christ. Denial of the resurrection would
demonstrate that their faith had not been genuine.
Notice the sequence of the historical events marked by the
verbs in verses one and two.
Paul wrote, "I preachedÿye
receivedÿye standÿye
are saved."
His readers accepted the message, were standing in it with
a firm foothold, and thus they were in the way of salvation.
People receive the message of Christ, believe on Him for
salvation, stand firmly in Him and progress in the Christian
The gospel Paul preached to the Corinthians did not originate
with him. It was the gospel he had received from God and passed on
to them. It was a gospel, the essentials of which had been predicted
in the Old Testament Scriptures. Here Paul reveals the source and
the substance of that gospel which he preached to them. And may I
remind you that I preach the same gospel to you?
A. The Source Of This Gospel (15:3a)
Paul delivered to them the gospel he himself had been given
by God.
The word rendered "delivered" is the verbal
equivalent of the noun meaning "traditions."
He had simply preached to them what he had received from
the Lord.
"First of all" points out that Paul considered it a
priority to pass on what he had received from the Lord. It was a
matter of utmost importance to him.
In Galatians 1:11-12, Paul made four assertions concerning
the gospel he preached.
First, he wrote that it was "not after [according to]
man." In other words, it is not the product of man’s
inventiveness and genius. It is a creation of the mind of God.
Second, Paul wrote that he did not receive it "of
man." This is the same verb for "received" that
we have seen already. It is the usual one for receiving a
tradition handed down by others. Paul used this verb here to
affirm that his knowledge of the gospel did not come through
ordinary channels of human tradition.
Third, the apostle wrote that he was not "taught
it." Human instruction was not the method by which he
obtained his gospel.
Finally, Paul wrote that the gospel came to him "by
the revelation of Jesus Christ." The word
"revelation" means "an uncovering, an
unveiling, a disclosing." In the New Testament, it is
always used of a disclosure of religious truth previously
unknown. Jesus Christ had been revealed to Paul in such a way
that the revelation carried with it the substance of the
B. The Substance Of The Gospel (15:3b-4)
Paul gave the substance of the gospel in a three-fold
First he wrote: "Christ died for our sins according to
the scriptures." The death of Christ is set forth as a
historical fact. He "died for our sins" or "on
account of" or "in order to deal with" our
sins. This death was "according to the scriptures."
The New Testament constantly affirms the prediction of Christ’s
atoning death in the Old Testament scriptures.
Second, he wrote: "and he was buried." The tense
of the verb "buried" tells a story, i.e. preaches a
message. It sets forth an event which was true at one time,
but is no longer a fact.
a. Third, the apostle wrote: "and that he rose again
the third day according to the scriptures." The tense of
this verb finishes the story. It speaks of a past event with
results continuing to the present. He rose and He is still
risen. "He stands risen" is a good translation of
this verb. His resurrection occurred on the third day and was
according to the Scriptures–the Old Testament.
The gospel which Paul preached did not originate with him. He
received it from the Lord and passed it on to them. The gospel which
he preached was a powerful gospel and a predicted gospel. It was
also a proven gospel. It was proven by supporting witnesses and the
saved Corinthians.
A. The Source Of This Gospel (15:3a)
The credibility of the gospel is dependent upon the
credibility of the resurrection.
Christ’s resurrection was attested by many witnesses.
The list of witnesses begins with "Cephas"
(Peter), the first of the apostles to see the risen Lord, and
ends with Paul, the "least" and the last of the
The list of witnesses which are presented in these verses
are only representative and not exhaustive, and it is intended
to show how well founded the message of the resurrection is.
In addition to Peter and Paul, the list includes "the
twelve" (a sort of an official title for the group of
apostles), the "more than five hundred" to whom the
Lord appeared at one time ("at once"), most of whom
were still alive when the first epistle to the Corinthians was
written, "James" (probably the Lord’s brother),
and "all the apostles" again.
Paul saw the risen Lord on the road to Damascus. Though he
saw the Lord "last of all" (v. 8), his witness is on
the same level as the others. Paul’s description of himself
as "one born out of due time" (v. 8b) or "one
abnormally born" has been explained in various ways. Some
have thought that it was intended to point to his violent and
unnatural entrance into the circle of believers. Others have
suggested that the Greek term, which literally means
"miscarriage," was a term of contempt that Paul’s
enemies had hurled at him, i.e. "this so-called abortion
of an apostle." Paul’s description of himself may
simply reflect his sense of unworthiness to be a disciple.
Verse 9 and 10, a somewhat parenthetical statement expressing
Paul’s deep humility, lend support to this view. Paul
recognized his unworthiness to be an apostle because of his
past actions. He also recognized that God’s grace in calling
him qualified him to be an apostle of Christ. Through God’s
grace Paul had labored faithfully as an apostle. He labored
"more abundantly" than any of the others, but only
by God’s grace was it so.
B. Saved Corinthians (15:11)
The gospel, which included and specified the resurrection,
was preached by all the apostles.
Paul had preached it to the Corinthians who had believed it
and were saved as a result of their believing.
To deny the resurrection, as some of the Corinthians were
doing, was to deny the teaching of the apostles and to deny the
gospel of Christ.
Apart from believing in the resurrection of Christ, there is
no salvation. In First Corinthians 15:13, 14, 17 we read,
"But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is
Christ not risen: and if Christ be not risen, then is our
preaching vain, and your faith is also vainÿAnd
if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your
We who have received the gospel have a responsibility to proclaim the
gospel. Paul considered the preaching of the gospel to be a priority (I
Cor. 15:3a), and so should we. We are commissioned by Christ (Mark 16:15)
to proclaim the gospel to every nation.
We have a gospel to proclaim. It is a powerful gospel, a predicted
gospel, and a proven gospel. It is indeed "the power of God unto
salvation to every one that believeth" (Rom. 1:16).
Sermon From Dr.
David Clark

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