Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

Exodus 12:13. "And the blood shall be to you for a token upon
the houses where you are and when I see the blood, I will pass
over you; and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you,
when I smite the land of Egypt.."
A. "In my distress I cried unto the Lord, and he heard
me" (Psalm 120:1) .
1. This surely was the testimony of oppressed Israel
when Moses first came to declare to them the coming freedom
from captivity.
2. Even then there were those who would not listen.
They did not believe that God spoke by the mouth of Moses
and Aaron.
3. Drastic situations call for drastic action. The only
hope for Israel was the miraculous intervention of God.
4. At what a terrible cost Israel was purchased. Yet
God's name was excellent in the earth because of His power in
B. Even so our deliverance is dearly purchased.
1. We too are held in the bonds of death and need
God's gracious deliverance.
2. In the passover we see prefigured the atoning death
of Christ for our sins.
3. Theme: The Purchase of Blood.
I. The Purchaser
II. The Purchase Price
III. The Purchased Possession
I. THE PURCHASER. "I will pass over you.. . ."
A. It is God, the Father, who has freed us from the bonds of
1. Surely Israel had to admit that there was no ()the/
possible way for deliverance than by God's direct intervention.
"Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, / Am
hath sent me unto you" (Exodus 3:14) .
2. Even so the Apostle Paul begins his poem of praise in
Ephesians by rendering praise to God: "Blessed be the God and
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. . ." (3a) .
3. The plan of salvation and redemption has eternal
roots. "From before the foundation of the world" (Ephesians
1:4) .
4. Salvation is God's gift—not man's right.
Father, long before creation
Thou hast chosen us in love;
And that love, so deep, so moving,
Draws us close to Christ above.
Still it keeps us, firmly fixed in Christ alone.
The Hymnbook, 107
B. It is the "Lamb slain" who works out the councils of God.
1. Israel was redeemed by the blood of the paschal
Lamb. True, this was symbolic of man's obedience to God's command
Yet the Lamb is Israel's reason.
2. So the paschal Lamb is a type of the Saviour of men.
a. "Without blemish and without spot" (Exodus
12:5 and I Peter 1:19) .
b. "No bone of him broken" (Exodus 12:46 and
John 19:36) .
c. Jesus is called the Lamb of God. John 1:36 and
Revelation 5:6.
S. In the fulness of time Jesus Christ came to work
out that which God has appointed. John 12:27; Acts 2:23.
C. The "Lamb slain" is himself the Lord of glory. 1 Corinthians
1. No man can pay the debt. Yet God requires it be
paid. God himself takes the debt upon Himself in the person of
His dear Son.
II. THE PURCHASE PRICE. "And when I see the blood. . . ."
A. The price is paid.
1. The children of Israel were redeemed and freed from
slavery at the cost of countless calamities and finally death. Not
the ultimate price was too much to redeem Israel.
2. So every Christian has been bought with a price.
I Corinthians 6:20.
3. There have been those who have a thought of this
price as paid to the devil. Actually this could not be true for the
devil has no power with God.
4. It was the price of reconciliation in the attributes of
God. God cannot be untrue to himself. Yet, says Scripture, Psalm
85:10, righteousness and mercy are reconciled. The reconciliation
price is paid to God himself. Thus is brought about our
reconciliation without promise to God's holiness or his mercy.
B. The purchase of blood.
1. The Lamb was slain, the blood was sprinkled.
2. Some have found in this concept a "subconscious delight
in gore," a "mystical justification and glorification of war"
(J. E. Park, Interpreter's Bible, I, p. 918-9) .
3. There is no atonement without sacrifice. To slay the
sacrificial victim is to release the blood. Leviticus 17:11.
It is true we are thinking of the whole life laid down,
surrender, but the negative as well as the positive element is
Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood
Shall never lose its power,
Till all the ransomed church of God
Be saved to sin no more.
—William Cowper.
C. The Vicarious Victim.
1. The lamb takes the place of Israel.
2. So the Lamb of God takes our place. He is crucified
for us. He is our substitute.
3. This is a vicarious atonement, one of others. Thus
the atonement is not merely a good example or influence, but a
positive necessity. "It was your sin and my sin that nailed him
to the tree."
A. Christ redeemed His people.
1. The passover and its symbols were intended only for
Israel and those who had received the mark of circumcision.
Exodus 12:43-51. •
2. So in a very true sense the efficacy of Christ's atoning
death is only for His people whom God has given Him. John
3. The atonement has universal impact. Its efficacy and
application, however, are particular. The invitation of God to
salvation is nonetheless genuine and true.
B. The response of God's people.
1. It was necessary for Israel to be obedient to God's
2. So we also must respond to God's offer of salvation.
If we believe and confess! Acts 16:31; Romans 10:9.
C. The purchased possession.
We belong to Christ all our life. Must be directed to
Him. All of life is a response to God's wonderful offer of love.
Are you seeking release from the bondage of spiritual
Egypt? God has provided it! May we believe.

Site created by Tom Walker