I Samuel 7:1-14; Exodus 17:8-12 Our Lord is known as the rock of our salvation. This testifies :o His strength and stability. In this study we lo\ok at three laces in scripture where the rock is prominent. I. The Rock of Responsibility Joshua 24:14-28Shechem means shoulder* vs. 25, 26 A. To be honestv. 14 B. To hearv. 22, 24 C. To be holyv. 19 II. The Rock of Revival I Samuel 7:12 Mizpeh means stone of help*. When we have true revival three things will be evident: A His lordship renewedv. 2-4 B The lamb recognizedv. 9 C The land reclaimedv. 14 III. The Rock of Redemption --I Peter 2:3-8 proskomma* to hit by accident (stone of stumbling) lithos* a loose stone in the path (rock of offense) skandalon* a trap, petra* a ledge Jesus is our rock of redemption A. GloryExodus 33:22 B. GreatnessI Samuel 2:2; Psalm 18:31, 61:2 C .Golgotha 1. Here He was provenExodus 17:1-6 2. Here He was piercedJohn 19:31-37 SERMON FROM PASTOR J.W. DEPEW |