What Can Jesus Do For You?
Text: Romans 5:1-10
Intro. The Department of Social Services in Greenville County, South
Carolina, sent the following letter:
"Your food stamps will be stopped, effective immediately, because we received
notice that you passed away. May God bless you. You may reapply if there is a change in
your circumstances."
When you look to the government, you get what
government can do. When you look to people, you get what people can do.
Prop. But when you look to Jesus Christ, you get what God can dol Jesus Christ can do
for you what no one else can.
Trans. In Romans 5:110, we discover three specific blessings that are given to us
by Christ.
I. Jesus Gives Us a GOOD STANDING Before God (5:1-2) This good
standing is better known by the term:
"JUSTIFICATION" To be justified in God 's eyes
1. We are Acquitted from Sin (Romans 5:1)
a. released from guilt of sin
b. declared righteous before Holy God
c. based on Christ 's substitutionary death on the Cross in my place ( Romans 5 :
8 )
2. We have Access to Salvation (Romans 5:2a) a. by faith
b. through grace
3. We are Accepted as Sons ( Romans 5: 2b )
a. standing of sonship
b. standing of adoption
c. standing in the family of God
Trans. Jesus not only gives us a GOOD STANDING before God, but:
II. Jesus Gives Us a GREAT SALVATION from God (5:6-8) Salvation
has the meaning of RESCUE OR DELIVERANCE from the penalty of sin and includes the gifts
1. Forgiveness of Sin (Eph. 1:7)
God gives up His right to judge us for our sins because someone else was judged
in our place.
2. Faith in the Savior (Rom. 10:17; Eph.
3. Fellowship in the Son (I Cor. 1:9)
Applic. This gift of great salvation was purchased and paid for by Jesus ' death
at the Cross. The gift is great because the need was great, and the price paid was great!
Trans. Yes, Jesus gives us a GOOD STANDING, and A GREAT SALVATION, but also:
III. Jesus Gives Us GUARANTEED SECURITY with God (5:9-10)
I. We are secure because we are RELEASED (vs. 9a) "justified by his blood "
2. We are secure because we are RESCUED ( vs.
9b ) "saved from wrath through Him "
3. We are secure because we are RECONCILED
(vs. lOa) "no longer separated as enemies, but brought nigh by the blood "
4. We are secure because He is RESURRECTED
(vs. lOb) "we shall be saved by His life ."
Applic. Colossians 3:3 says
your life is hid with Christ in God. Can you say that this istrue in your life? (for
Concl. Only Jesus Christ can give you what no one else can
give you.
Summ. Jesus gives to us:
I. A Good Standing Before God
II. A Great Salvation from God
III. A Guaranteed Security with God
Sermon by Pastor Doug Prevette
Cross Memorial Baptist Church
Marion, NC

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