Jesus Comes to Church
(and He looks around)
Text: Mark 11:11
Intro. Whether we realize it or not, Jesus is looking at at
our (His) church. In fact, He is standing right in the midst of our church (Rev. 1:13) and
He is taking a good look.
Prop. His penetrating eyes are looking at the very heart and soul of
our church.
"What does He see? What does He find?
Trans. As He is looking, three specific areas of the church quickly catch His eye.
I. He Looks at the Place of Worship
1. Does He see an Open Door of Admittance? (Is He Welcome in this church?)
2. Does He see an Old Fashioned Altar?
3. Does He see Ongoing Adoration?
Let us invite the Lord Jesus Christ back into the church once again, allowing Him to be
LORD! Let 's meet Him in the altar once again. Let's adore
Him from our hearts lest our church becomes cold and dry; void of the Spirit of God.
Trans. Not only does He look at the place of worship, but
II. He Looks at the People Who Worship
1. He looks at Our Love (as seen in the congregation)
a. for each other
b. for Him
2. He looks at Our Lives (as seen in our character)
a. our witness
b. our works
3. He looks at Our Belief ( as seen in our commitment )
a. to the Word of God b. to the Work of God
4. He looks at Our Behavior ( as seen in our conduct )
a. commend the gospel?
b. cause others to be critical of the gospel?
"Applic. Does Jesus see these qualities in you?
Trans. Not only does the Lord Jesus look at the Place of Worship, and the People Who
Worship, but
III. He Looks at the Preacher (who leads in worship)
1. He looks at the Man
not at what the preacher proclaims, but b. what does the preacher practice
"Jesus didn 't practice what He preached. He preached what He
2. He looks at the Ministry
a. is it an expositional ministry?
b. is it an exalting ministry?
c. is it an equipping ministry?
d. is it an evangelistic ministry?
3. He looks at the Message
a. is it a saving message?
b. is it a sanctifying message?
c. is it a sure message?
d. is it the Savior 's message?
"Applic. What does it mean to be a man of God? Let us answer that question by
defining the Man 's practice, by directing his Ministry in a Biblical fashion,
and by delivering the Message of the Gospel of Grace! May the Man, the Ministry, and the
Message please the continuing look of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Concl. Whether we realize it or not, Jesus is looking at our (His) church. His
penetrating eyes are looking at the very heart and soul of our church.
Summary: He is looking
I. At the Place of Worship
II. At the People Who Worship
III. At the Preacher Who Leads in Worship
Final Application: What will be our heartfelt response? Consider the following
from Revelation 2:
The church at Ephesus (Rev. 2:5) repent '
The church at Pergamos (Rev. 2:16) repent '
The church at Sardis (Rev. 3:3) repent '
The church at Laodicea (Rev. 3:19) repent '
Sermon by Pastor Doug Prevette
Cross Memorial Baptist Church
Marion, NC

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