Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Guess Who Walked With Me?

Text: Luke 24:13-35

Introduction: Luke 24:13-35 tells of Jesus meeting with the Emmaus disciples. It is a blessing to know that the risen, resurrected Christ shows up in some of the most unexpected times in our lives. Those disciples needed this appearance of Jesus after He arose, because their hopes were dashed. Due to what verse 21 says, they trusted that Christ would be the one to redeem Israel. Their lives now seemed as though the light of hope had been extinguished through the cruel death of the Lord Jesus. On the Jericho road one might meet thieves, but here on the Emmaus road the disciples meet Jesus, alive and well. I have no doubts that these disciples said to someone, "Guess who walked with me." It was a blessed day when these men realized death could not hold down the Son of God. That would have been utterly impossible.

I. Their Problems- There were a variety of problems that plagued the lives of these Emmaus disciples.

A. There was a lack of faith- for Jesus charged them as being, "Slow of heart to believe" (v.25).

B. There was a lack of sight- because verse 17 says their eyes were "holden." They could not see it was Jesus who was walking with them.

C. There was a lack of understanding (cp.v.20 and27). They merely saw Jesus as a prophet but to deal with that mentality of the disciples, Christ expounds how Moses and the prophets spake of him (v.27). What a Bible class they experienced that day!

II. Their Privileges- The Lord Jesus had many others to which He could have appeared, but he chose to meet with the Emmaus road disciples.

A. Christ walked with them (v.15). You are a very blessed person when Christ walks with you.

B. Christ warmed them (v.32).They described what they felt in their heart when Jesus walked with them as a burning (cp. Jer. 23:29 and Luke 24:32).

C. Christ worked with them. In spite of their ignorance and foolish thinking (v.25), Christ patiently and methodically instructed(v.27).

III. Their Proclamation- Verses 34 and 35 tell us they had something to proclaim after the post resurrection meeting they had with Jesus.

A. They proclaimed a risen Christ (v.34). He had risen "indeed"- which suggests the certain reality of His rising.

B. They proclaimed a remembering Christ. Jesus remembered Peter even though he denied Him (v.34).

C. They proclaimed a revealed Christ (v.35). They told how Jesus was known of them as bread was broken.

As believers in Christ, we do not have to speak of one who did walk with us, rather we can say- "He walks (present tense) with me and talks with me, and tells me I'm His own."  What joy to tell it!

Sermon by Dr. Tom Walker
Founder: Preacher's Corner Ministry


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