Hebrews 11:7
INTRODUCTION: These noble men that Paul talks about here in
Hebrews 11 really rebukes those who have denied the book of Genesis.
And the faith of Noah rebukes those among us today who have gotten
discouraged and ready to quit because of the apostasy.
I. The beauty of his faith.
A. His faith was simple. He took God at His word--Matthew 1:20.
B. His faith was saving--Acts 16:3 1, Romans 10:9
C. His faith was serving faith. He built the ark.
II. The burden of his faith.
A. The burden over a lost world.
1. Moses told God to blot him out.
2. Paul said his soul was continually in sorrow.
B. The burden of building the ark. Only God knows the sacrifice Noah had to make to get the material to build the ark.
C. The burden of a laughing world.
D. The burden of a lingering storm. He knew that a storm was
III. The blessings of Noah*s
A. The blessing of relief. He saved his house.
B. The blessing of reward. He became an heir of the righteousness
which is by faith. He was allowed to enter the new earth.
It is faith alone that saves, but faith that saves is never
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