Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"


Text: Proverbs 4:23

INTRODUCTION: The heart of this verse is not the fleshly organs and muscles of the human body, but the memory, the will, the inner man.

I. Keep Your Heart Holy

There is a lot that depends upon you and me having a holy heart.

A. Inspiration depends upon a holy heart--Matthew 5:8; Psalms 24:3-4.

    1. Inspired heart is true.
    2. Inspired heart is tender.
    3. Inspired heart is tuned.

B. Influence depends upon a holy heart.

II. Keep Your Heart Humble

God must be sick of all this foolish pride that dominates so many church people today.

A. Keep your heart humble because of the Word

    1. If my people will humble themselves--II Chronicles 7:14.

    2. God resists the proud--James 4:6

B. Keep your heart humble because of the work.

As a lad preaching in a country church. Charles Spurgeon received an invitation to go to London and preach. He threw the note into the wastebasket and said, "I didn’t know there was another Charles Spurgeon." Later, when they asked why he didn’t come, he said, "I couldn’t believe it was me."

III. Keep Your Heart Happy.

The joy of the Lord is your strength. This old crazy. religious world acts like our strength is in buildings, big crowds, etc. But, no matter how beautiful the building, or how big the crowd, if there is no joy, we are as weak as water.

A. Keep your heart happy by fellowship.
    When the fellowship is broken you are miserable--Psalms 51:12.

B. Keep your heart happy by discipleship--remember Jonah.

IV. Keep Your Heart Harbored In Jesus.

A. Because of the delights.

B. Because of the dangers.



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