Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"


Text: I Peter 2:11


A pilgrim is one who travels from a distance to visit some sacred place or shrine. As God’s children, we arc hcadcd for that city whose maker and buildei is God.

I. The Definition Of APilgrim--four ways to identify a Christian pilgrim.

A. In appearance--he is like Christ--I Peter 4:16. the word "Christian" here means "one like Christ."

B. In actions--he is like a baby--I Peter 2:2.

C. In attitude--he is like a sheep--I Peter 2:25.

D. In assurance--he is like a politician--I Peter 1:2.

II. The Diet Of A Pilgrim--I Peter 2:2.

A. The word is easily digested. Even a spiritual baby can digest the Word, and the reason some of these lolk who have been in the church for years don’t love the Word is that they don’t have a spiritual digeistive system

B. The Word brings development--ye may grow thereby.

III. The Defense Of The Pilgrim--Verse.11 tells us that the Christian is in war, but he doesn’t have to despair because he has a perfect defense against the enemy.

A. He has the birth--1:23.

B. He has the blood--l:l8-19.

C. He has the book--2:2

IV. The Duties Of The Pilgrim.

A. To the law--2;13-14,

B. To the lost--2:15.

C. To the Lord--2:20

IV. The Destiny Off A Pilgrim--2:4.

A. Incorruptible.

B. Undefiled.



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