Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

Text: Romans 8:35-39
I want for just a while to look at the subject of love too many times we
use that word loosely, we take the meaning of that word for granted, or we
just never truly learn what love is.
The Bible is the greatest book ever written about the subject of love the
Bible contains the greatest love story ever told that of a righteous God
and His love for a fallen mankind.
The whole message of Jesus Christ is centered around His love for us all
that we are, have been or ever will be as Christians will be because of the
love that Jesus Christ has for each of us many fail to understand this
ever important principle of the love of Christ
Marvelous in that the love of our Savior never changes!
A. Marvelous in its measure His love is equal to all persons; loves no
one more than the other; died for ALL persons sins! 2 Cor. 5:14-15; John
B. Marvelous in its meaning
1. The meaning of Christ's love is a simple one (Romans 5:8); Jesus
Christ went voluntarily to an old, rugged cross, and bore the sins of the
entire love so that you and I might have the opportunity to accept the
offer of God's love through His Son, Jesus Christ and have eternal life and
spare your soul from an eternity in Hell!
2. Salvation is a gift; a free gift; no one will force you, nor can anyone
force you to take it; while it is a gift, you must request it and accept it
in order to be a partaker of it Jesus Christ will demand that nobody take
Him to be their Savior He wants you to see that sacrifice that was made,
to understand why that sacrifice was made and then accept the gift that He
selflessly provided for you!
C. Marvelous in its message
1. While Christ died for all men, while the meaning of His love is so that
you can have the chance to accept Him as your Savior, it is also consistent
in its message you MUST be saved to be a partaker of His love Romans
D. Because of the MARVELOUSNESS of Jesus' love EVERY man, woman, boy and girl can
know Him as their personal Savior!
Matchless in that no other person can love you and I the way that Jesus
loves us! Love beyond compare!
A. Question (v. 35) Can things separate us, tear us apart from the love of
1. Tribulations will be tried, tested; from Heaven and from Hell
2. Distress may be in great physical, spiritual, emotional, financial
3. Persecution may be called upon to take that decisive stand
4. Famine we may suffer famine until it seems we will starve for food
5. Nakedness we may reach the point where we have no clothes to put on
our backs
6. Peril great dangers may come our way in this life
7. Sword we may even DIE by the sword
B. Answer Things can separate us from loving Christ as we ought, but
there is NOTHING that can separate us from His love for US! He loves us
unconditionally! v. 36-37
C. Through all these things listed in verse 35; the Bible says we are
accounted as sheep for the slaughter God's children through the ages have been
hated and despised by the world, by the enemies of God but Christ's love is
D. Paul in Acts 20:23-24 said it best! The worst of what he went through
was nothing to him because the love of His Lord was matchless!
E. History gives us the story; when beaten, maimed, stricken, afflicted, killed, fed to
lions, burned at the stake there has always been an increase of the devotion and
faithfulness of the saints
F. There should be an increase of our love, our devotion, our faithfulness for our
wonderful Lord Jesus Christ because of His matchless love for us!
Hymn I Stand Amazed In The Presence
G. Why? Because of the MATCHLESSNESS of Christ's love for us!
A. The love my Savior has for me is one that enables me to be more than a
conqueror only THROUGH him v. 37
B. His love conquered death, Hell and the grave at Calvary
C. His love can conquer sorrow with joy
D. His love can conquer pain with rest
E. His love conquered Hell with Heaven
F. His love conquered sin by His selfless will
G. While the things mentioned in verse 35 might separate us from loving
Christ as we should or as we once did notice that Paul was careful to
point out in the closing verses of our text
H. Neither death, nor life, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things
present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature
can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord
Praise God!!!
I. Because of the MIGHTINESS of Christ's love, I know that I can withstand whatever comes
my way but only with the help of my Savior can I withstand!
Do you see how there could be no greater love than that of Jesus Christ?
Lost person I want to give you a passage from Isaiah 1:19
Isaiah 1:18
18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins
be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like
crimson, they shall be as wool. there is no greater love shown for you
today than the love that Jesus manifested when He hung on the cross for
your sins won't you come be saved today let yourself experience the
love of a lifetime
Christian have you lost your remembrance of the love Jesus has for you?
Come and rediscover that love of a lifetime today!
Lagrange, Kentucky- USA


Site created by Tom Walker