It Is Finished Text: Jn. 19:30 I. THE SON OF GOD WAS MAGIFIED A. With The Miracles B. With The Multitude C. With His: 1. Work 2. Word. 3. Walk 4. Worship 5. Writings II. THE FATHER WAS SATISFIED A. Demands were Decreased B. Death was Demoted C. Devil was deflated III. THE SON WAS CRUCIFIED A. He was the sinless Lamb B. He was the Selected Lamb. C. He was the Suffering Lamb D. He was the Slained Lamb IV. THE SAINTS WERE EDIFIED A. We were loosed B. We were Lifted C. We were Loved D. We were Located E. We were Looked after V. THE DEVIL IS PETRIFIED A. He is Denounced B. He is Defeated C. He is Deprived D. He is Doomed Sermon From J.B. Jordan- Evangelist