What Has Come? Text: Phil.1:22-23 Introduction: It is evident due to the fact we are having a memorial service, that at least one thing has come our way, whether it is welcome or whether it is not. Let's look at somethings that have come. I. Death Has Come- "appointed unto men once to die" (Heb.9:27) A. Involves all classes (rich-middle class-poor) There is only a step between us and death (1 Sam.20:3). II. Darling Of Heaven Has Come- A. Possibility of Salvation - "whosoever will" (Rev.22:17) III. Deliverance Has Come- A. Delivered From Pain- (Rev.21:4) Death has taken our loved one in the presence of God where he is now delivered. IV. Delight Has Come It was a delight when he married his wife and when his children were born, but he is now enjoying his greatest delight of all delights--seeing Jesus. A. Continuing Delight- It will not end. V. Destination Has Come From the day he was saved, he longed for a heavenly country. A. A Heavenly Country- prepared by Jesus. Conclusion: If your loved one were here I believe he would say: 1. "Family make sure you are ready for eternity. I want to meet
you there." A Sermon Outline By Dr. Tom Walker